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Steel 10ХН1М (VC-1A)

03CrNiSteel 05G1B steel 06G2AF steel 06G2MFB steel 06G2FR steel 06CGSY steel Steel 07GBU Steel 07GFB (07GFB-U) 08G1NFB steel Steel 08G2MF (08G2MFA) 08G2S steel 08G2SFB steel Steel 08G2T (08G2T-U) 08G2FBT steel 08GBU steel Steel 08GBUTR Steel 09G2 Steel 09G2D Steel 09G2S (09G2SA) Steel 09G2SD Steel 09G2FB (09G2BT) 09GBU steel 09GNFB steel Steel 09GSNBTs 09CrNi2Ab steel 10G2B steel Steel 10G2BD 10G2BTU steel Steel 10G2S1 Steel 10G2S1D 10G2SB steel 10G2SFB steel 10G2T steel 10G2FB steel 10Г2ФБЮ steel 10GNB steel Steel 10GS2 10GT steel Steel 10ХГСН1Д (СХЛ-45) 10XDP steel Steel 10ХН1М (ВК-1А) 10KhNDM steel 10XNDP steel Steel 10ХСНД (СХЛ-4) Steel 12G (12GA) Steel 12G2AF Steel 12G2B Steel 12G2S Steel 12G2SB Steel 12G2SMF Steel 12G2SMFAU 12GN2MFAu steel 12NDU steel Steel 12GS (Sv-12GS) 12GSB steel 12GF steel 12ХГДАФ steel 12HSND steel Steel 13G1S (13G1S-U) Steel 13G1SB (13G1SB-U) 13G2AF steel 13GDF steel Steel 13GS (13GS-U) Steel 13GF (13GFA) Steel 14G2 Steel 14G2AF Steel 14G2AFD Steel 14GS Steel 14GF Steel 14ХГМДЦ Steel 14KhGS 15Г2АФД steel (15Г2АФДпс) 15G2SF steel 15G2SFD steel 15Г2ФБЮ steel 15GS steel 15GF steel 15GFD steel 15KhDP steel 15HSND steel Steel 16G (16GA) 16G2AF steel Steel 16G2AFD Steel 16G2SF (16G2SAF) 16GD steel 16GMYUCH steel 16GS steel 16GFB steel Steel 16D Steel 17G1S (17G1S-U) Steel 17GS Steel 18G2AF (18G2AFps) Steel 18Г2АФД (18Г2АФДпс) 18G2S steel 18YuT steel (Ch-33) Steel 19YuFT (Ch37) Steel 1Х2М1 Steel 20G2S 20GS steel Steel 20GS2 Steel 20GSF (20GSFL) Steel 20Х2Г2СР Steel 20KhG2Ts Steel 20ХГСС2 Steel 22G2 22GYu steel Steel 22C Steel 22Kh2G2AU Steel 22Kh2G2P Steel 23Cr2G2T Steel 25G2S Steel 25GS Steel 25C2P Steel 27GS Steel 28G2S1D Steel 28G2SFB (28G2SFBD) Steel 28C Steel 30HS2 Steel 32G2RPs Steel 35GS 45KhGMA steel Steel 80C Steel SVS-690 (Severstal-690) X56 steel


Name The value
Designation GOST Cyrillic 10ХН1М
Designation GOST Latin 10XH1M
Transliteration 10HN1M
The chemical elements 10CrН1Mo
Name The value
Designation GOST Cyrillic ВК-1А
Designation GOST Latin BK-1A
Transliteration VK-1A
The chemical elements WCo-1


10ХН1М steel is used: for the manufacture of billets, hot rolled and cold drawn seamless pipes, steel plate, used for production of capacitive equipment for chemical, petrochemical and gas industry; tanks hraneniya liquid ammonia; the equipment and pipelines of nuclear power plants.


Name Code Standards
Bulls. Blanks. Slabs В31 TU 14-1-2152-77, TU 14-229-275-88
Sheets and stripes В33 TU 14-1-2587-78
Classification, nomenclature and general norms В30 TU 14-143-252-76
Pipes steel and connecting parts to them В62 TU 14-3-799-79

Chemical composition

Standard C S P Mn Cr Si Ni Fe Cu Mo
TU 14-1-2152-77 0.08-0.12 ≤0.025 ≤0.025 0.3-0.6 0.7-1 0.17-0.37 1.1-1.4 The rest ≤0.3 0.4-0.6
TU 14-229-275-88 0.08-0.12 ≤0.035 ≤0.03 0.3-0.6 0.7-1 0.17-0.37 1.1-1.4 The rest ≤0.3 0.4-0.6
Fe is the basis.
According to TU 14-1-2152-77 the chemical composition is presented for steel grade 10HN1M (VK-1A). Permissible deviations in chemical composition: nickel ± 0.10%, chromium +0.10%, molybdenum ± 0.050%. The admixture of titanium in the metal is allowed for its actual content up to 0.050%, which is displayed in the certificate. Residual content of elements in steel - in accordance with the standards of GOST 4543.
According to TU 14-229-275-88 the chemical composition is presented for steel grade 10ХН1М. The maximum deviations in the mass fraction of the elements are according to GOST 19282. No deviations from silicon are allowed.

Mechanical characteristics

Section, mm sT|s0,2, MPa σB, MPa d5, % kJ/m2, кДж/м2
Tubular billet on the other 14-1-2152-77. Normalization with 910±10 °C + High vacation at 670-680 °C
15 ≥343 ≥490 ≥20 ≥785
15 ≥275 ≥441 ≥20 -

Description mechanical marks

Name Description
Section Section
sT|s0,2 Yield strength or limit of proportionality with a tolerance for residual deformation of 0.2%
σB Limit short-term strength
d5 Elongation after rupture
kJ/m2 Toughness

Technological properties

Name The value
Pressure treatment The degree of deformation of hot-rolled billets according to TU 14-1-2152-77 shall be not less than 4, the degree of deformation produced on the presses must be at least 3.5.
Macrostructure and contamination Macrostructure of steel hot-rolled billets according to TU 14-1-2152-77 controlled on a cross etched templeto should not have shrinkage, porosity, bubbles, cracks, sunsets, bundles, arachnids intergranular cracks, slag inclusions, inversions of the crust and placenow visible to the naked eye. Defects in the macrostructure for Central porosity, phase separation and to the square of the point inhomogeneity of billets to the size of the profile to 100 mm, inclusive, should not exceed 1-th score for each species over 100 mm 2-th points for each type. Pollution steel non-metallic inclusions shall not exceed the maximum score: - sulphides (C) - 3.0 points; - silicates (SC, SP) - 4.0 points; - oxides (OS, OT) - 4.0 points; - silicates, non-deformed (CH) - 3.0 points; - nitrides (NS, NT) - 2.5 points.

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