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Alloy ХН53КВМТЮБ (JEP741P)

Alloy KhN66VMTYUB (EI698MP; VZH136) Alloy KhN67VMTU (EP202; KhN67MVTU) Alloy KhN65KMVYUB (EP800) Alloy CrN65VMYUTL (EI893L) Alloy KhN65VMTU (EI893) Alloy CrN65VMMBU (EP914; VZH131) Alloy CrN65VBMYu (EP902) Alloy KhN62MVKYu (EI867) Alloy KhN62VMYUT (EP708) Alloy KhN62VMKU (EI867) Alloy KhN62BMKTU (EP742) Alloy CrN62BMVY (EP709) Alloy KhN60MYUVT (EP539) Alloy KhN60MVTU (EP487) Alloy KhN60M (EP367; 06Kh15N60M1) Alloy KhN60KMYUVTB (EC9) Alloy CrN60KMYUBVTF (EP962) Alloy KhN60KVYUMB (EP957) Alloy KhN59VG (EK82) Alloy KhN58MBYUD (EK61) Alloy KhN58MBYu (EK171; VZH159) Alloy KhN58VMKYR (EP238) Alloy KhN57MTVU (EP590) Alloy KhN73MBTU (EI698) Alloy EP539LMU Alloy ChS70 Alloy ChS104 Alloy CNK7 Alloy KhN80TBY (EI607; KhN80T1BY (EI607A)) Alloy KhN80 (EI334) Alloy KhN77TURU (EI437BU) Alloy KhN77TUR (EI437B) Alloy KhN75TBU (EI869) Alloy KhN75VMU (EI827) Alloy CrN75VMFU (EI827) Alloy KhN57MKYUVTBR (EP958) Alloy KhN71MTYUB (EI698P) Alloy KhN70MVU (EI828) Alloy KhN70MVTYUB (EI598) Alloy KhN70VMYUT (EI765) Alloy CrN70VMFTU (EI826) Alloy CrN70VMTUF (EI826; CrN70VMTUF) Alloy KhN70VMTU (EI617) Alloy KhN70 (EI442) Alloy KhN68VMTYUK (EP693) Alloy KhN67MBYu (EP782) Alloy VZHL12E Alloy ZhS6KP Alloy ZhS30 Alloy ZhS3 Alloy ZhS16 Alloy BC9L Alloy BC4LM Alloy BC4L Alloy VZHL2 Alloy VZhL18 Alloy VZHL16 Alloy VZHL14H (VZHL14) Alloy ZhS6U Alloy VZHL12U Alloy VZhL1 Alloy 67H26M (EI639; NIMO-25) Alloy 58NHVKTBU (EP877; ХН58VCBTU) Alloy 50H6MFA Alloy 50H3CU (EP967) Alloy 3MI3U Alloy 10X20H77TU Alloy 03Х20Н45М4БЧ (ChS42) Alloy 03X20H45M4BRZ (ChS43) Alloy KhN52KVMTYUB (EP975P) Alloy KhN56MBYUD (EK62) Alloy KhN56VMTU (EP199; VZh101) Alloy KhN56VMKU (EP109) Alloy KhN55MVU (EP454) Alloy KhN55MVTs (ChS57) Alloy KhN55MBYu (KhN63M9B2u; EP666) Alloy KhN55VMTFKU (EI929) Alloy KhN55VMTKU (EI929) Alloy KhN54KVMTYUB (EP962P) Alloy KhN53KVMTYUB (EP741P) Alloy KhN57VKYUTMBL (ZhS6) Alloy KhN51MTYUKFR (EP220) Alloy KhN51KVMTYUB (EP741NP) Alloy KhN50KVMTYUB (BB750) Alloy KhN50VMTYUB (EP648) Alloy KhN50VMTKFY (EP57) Alloy KhN45MVTYUBR (EP718) Alloy Kh15N60Yu3A (EP548) Alloy H95S3Yu (EP711) Alloy H95G (EP18) Alloy H70M (EP495)


Name The value
Designation GOST Cyrillic ХН53КВМТЮБ
Designation GOST Latin XH53KBMTJuB
Transliteration HN53KVMTYuB
The chemical elements CrNi53CoВCuTeAlBe
Name The value
Designation GOST Cyrillic ЭП741П
Designation GOST Latin EP741P
Transliteration EhP741P
The chemical elements -


Alloy ХН53КВМТЮБ used: for the manufacture of critical products; elastic metal seals of detachable connections of liquid rocket engines.


The granulated heat-resistant Nickel alloy.


Name Code Standards
Non-ferrous metals, including rare metals, and their alloys В51 GOST Р 52802-2007, TU 1-809-30-88
Bulls. Blanks. Slabs В31 TU 92-1-185-87

Chemical composition

Standard C S P Mn Cr Si Ni Fe Al B Ti Mo Nb W Ce Zr Co Mg
GOST Р 52802-2007 0.06 ≤0.009 ≤0.015 ≤0.5 8-10 ≤0.5 The rest ≤0.5 4.7-5.2 0.015 1.3-1.7 2.2-3 1.2-1.6 6.5-7.2 0.01 0.015 15-16.5 0.02
Ni is the basis.
According to GOST R 52802-2007 elements of boron, zirconium, cerium and magnesium are introduced by calculation and chemical analysis is not determined. When cerium is introduced in the form of misch metal, the calculation is made for the sum of rare-earth metals. Deviations of the chemical composition according to the content are allowed: iron - plus 0.50%, aluminum - plus 0.10%, boron - plus 0.005% (in the study of the chemical composition of boron). The content of residual elements in the finished alloy is in accordance with GOST 5632.

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