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Alloy 70TM-VD


Name The value
Designation GOST Cyrillic 70ТМ-ВД
Designation GOST Latin 70TM-BD
Transliteration 70TM-VD
The chemical elements 70TeCu


Alloy 70TM-VD is used: for the manufacture of temperature sensors; level gauges liquid helium.


Superconducting precision alloy.
The alloy has a narrow superconducting transition at 4.5 K, the width is not more than 0.2 K, the upper critical field (0,2±0,02) T high specific resistivity of 1.0 μω·m, submenues with temperature (relative change it in the range -16 to +24 To less than 30%). Is made in the form of wire with diameter 0.25−0.35 mm in the copper shell.


Name Code Standards
Classification, nomenclature and general norms В30 GOST 10994-74
Sectional and shaped rolling В32 TU 14-11-245-88

Chemical composition

Standard C Fe Ti Mo
GOST 10994-74 ≤0.03 The rest 73.5-76 24-26
Ti is the basis.
In accordance with GOST 10994-74, the total content of rhenium and iron Re + Fe≤2.5% is also regulated.

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