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Alloy 46ХНМ (ЭП630; 47ХН2М)


Name The value
Designation GOST Cyrillic 46ХНМ
Designation GOST Latin 46XHM
Transliteration 46HNM
The chemical elements 46CrNiCu
Name The value
Designation GOST Cyrillic ЭП630
Designation GOST Latin EP630
Transliteration EhP630
The chemical elements -
Name The value
Designation GOST Cyrillic 47ХН2М
Designation GOST Latin 47XH2M
Transliteration 47HN2M
The chemical elements 47CrNi2Cu


Alloy 46ХНМ used: for the production of forged slabs to the elastic elements produced by free forging on presses and is designed for hot machining (re-rolling on sheet); the manufacture of special purpose products; pipe joints, fittings and other parts with the body of the article with a thickness of up to 25.0 mm in equipment, working with radioactive media.


Precision corrosion resistant chromium-Nickel alloy. Alloy ЭП630 has a very high degree of alloying, the narrow limits of chemical composition and very low ductility.


Name Code Standards
Welding and cutting of metals. Soldering, riveting В05 OST 95 10441-2002
Steel alloy wire В73 TU 14-1-1060-74
Sheets and stripes В33 TU 14-1-2116-77, TU 14-1-3124-81
Bulls. Blanks. Slabs В31 TU 14-1-2556-78, TU 14-1-3123-81, TU 14-1-3125-81
Tapes В34 TU 14-1-2572-78, TU 14-1-3505-82
Sectional and shaped rolling В32 TU 14-1-999-73
Pipes steel and connecting parts to them В62 TU 14-3-1045-81, TU 14-3-1082-82

Mechanical characteristics

Section, mm σB, MPa d
The billet according to TU 14-1-3125-81. The longitudinal samples. Quenching in water or air with 1190-1210 °C
637-882 ≥35
Bars hot rolled and forged in the delivery condition on the other 14-1-999-73 (longitudinal samples)
≥690 ≥10
Seamless cold-worked tubes in the delivery condition on the other 14-3-1045-81
588-882 ≥35

Description mechanical marks

Name Description
Section Section
σB Limit short-term strength
d Elongation after rupture

Technological properties

Name The value
Weldability Manual argon arc welding with non-consumable electrode (filler or without filler metal), use of combined methods of welding.
Macrostructure and contamination The macrostructure of the forged slabs on the other 14-1-2556-78 should not have traces of shrinkage, blistering, delamination, foreign non-metallic inclusions that are visible without using the magnifying devices.
Features of production Bars hot rolled and forged on the other 14-1-999-73 are supplied without heat treatment.

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