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Bronze Áðõ1öð

Bronze БрХ0,6Цр0,05 (БрХЦр0,6-0,05) Bronze BrN10,5A0,5 (BrNA10,5-0,5) Bronze БрН2,5Х0,7К0,6 (БрНХК2,5-0,7-0,6) Bronze БрН5Мц2Т0,1 (БрНМцТ5-2-0,1) BrNTsr bronze Bronze BrSr0,1 Bronze БрТ5Х0,5 (БрТХ5-0,5) Bronze БрХ0,2Нб0,1 (Alloy 204А; БрХНб0,2-0,1) Bronze БрХ0,3Цр0,09 (БрХЦр0,3-0,09) Bronze БрХ0,4Ко0,4Кр0,2Мг0,04 (Alloy №50) Bronze БрХ0,4Нб0,25 (Alloy 204; БрХНб0,4-0,25) Bronze БрХ0,5В0,2Цр0,2 (ХВЦр0,5-0,2-0,2) Bronze БрХ0,6Т0,5 (БрХТ0,6-0,5) Bronze BrMc5 BrCr0.7 bronze Bronze БрХ0,8 Bronze BrX1 Bronze BrC1Cr Bronze BrChNb Bronze BrCNT Bronze BrCrK Bronze BrCrTV Bronze BrCr0,2 Bronze BrCr0,3 Bronze BrCr0,4 Bronze BrCr0.7 Bronze БрА9Ж4Н4Мц1 (БрАЖНМц9-4-4-1) Bronze BrB2 Bronze БрАЖ1,5 (БрАЖ10-1,5) Bronze БрААЖ3Мц1,5 (БрАЖМц10-3-1,5) Bronze БрААЖ10Ж4Н4 (БрАЖН10-4-4) Bronze БрАА10Мц2 (БрАМц10-2) Bronze BrA5 Bronze БрА6Мг1 (БрАМг6-1) Bronze BrA7 Bronze БрА8,5Ж4Н5Мц1,5 (БрАЖНМц8,5-4-5-1,5) Bronze БрАА9Ж4 (БрАЖ9-4) Bronze БрА9Мц2 (БрАМц9-2) Bronze БрБ1,7НТ (БрБНТ1,7) Bronze БрБ1,9НТ (БрБНТ1,9) Bronze БрБ1,9НТМг (БрБНТ1,9Мг) Bronze BrN1,5Kr0,5 (BrNKr1,5-0,5) Bronze BrB2,5 Bronze БрК0,4Х0,6Кo1,6 (БрКХКo0,4-0,6-1,6) Bronze BrK1H3 (BrKN1-3) Bronze БрК3Мц1 (БрКМц3-1) Bronze BrKd0,5X0,15 (BrKdX0,5-0,15) Bronze BrKd1 BrKo3Mts10 (BrKoMts3-10) bronze Bronze BrMg0.03Cr0.035 (BrMgCr0.03-0.035) Bronze BrMg0,3 Bronze BrMg0,5 Bronze BrMg0,8 Bronze BrMc12A8Zh3N2 (BrMcAzHN12-8-3-2)


Name The value
Designation GOST Cyrillic БрХ1Цр
Designation GOST Latin BpX1Tsp
Transliteration BrH1Tsr
The chemical elements BaCr1Znр


Bronze Áðõ1öð used: for the manufacture of ingots; - long products and flat-rolled metal; round bars with a diameter of 10−80 mm and rectangular bars with a thickness of from 12.7 to 35.0 mm, designed for the manufacture of electrodes and other parts for welding machines.


Low alloy bronze copper-chromium-zirconium.


Name Code Standards
Non-ferrous metals, including rare metals, and their alloys В51 GOST 28873-90, TU 1846-00195430-98-99, TU 48-21-5065-84
Tapes В54 TU 48-0810-192-90
Bars В55 TU 48-21-5050-82
Sheets and stripes В53 TU 48-21-5066-82

Chemical composition

Standard Cr Ni Cu As Zn Sn Pb Bi Zr
TU 48-21-5050-82 0.4-1 ≤0.03 The rest ≤0.01 ≤0.01 ≤0.01 ≤0.005 ≤0.002 0.03-0.08
Cu is the basis.
According to TU 48-21-5050-82, the chemical composition is given for the alloy (bronze) of the brand BrKh1Cr. The total content of impurities should not be more than 0.10%. The content of impurities in the alloy is not regulated provided that the required electrical conductivity and hardness are maintained.

Mechanical characteristics

Section, mm HRB
Bars, drawn and extruded in the delivered state on the other 48-21-5050-82
≤40 ≥72
40-50 ≥70
50 ≥61

Description mechanical marks

Name Description
Section Section
HRB Rockwell hardness (indenter steel, spherical)

Technological properties

Name The value
Electrical Conductivity Conductivity rods of alloy grade Áðõ1öð with a diameter of 15 mm should be not less than 46 m/Ω·mm2. For bars with diameter over 15 mm the relative conductivity of copper marks M1 must be at least 80%.

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