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Bronze Brh1

Bronze БрХ0,6Цр0,05 (БрХЦр0,6-0,05) Bronze BrN10,5A0,5 (BrNA10,5-0,5) Bronze БрН2,5Х0,7К0,6 (БрНХК2,5-0,7-0,6) Bronze БрН5Мц2Т0,1 (БрНМцТ5-2-0,1) BrNTsr bronze Bronze BrSr0,1 Bronze БрТ5Х0,5 (БрТХ5-0,5) Bronze БрХ0,2Нб0,1 (Alloy 204А; БрХНб0,2-0,1) Bronze БрХ0,3Цр0,09 (БрХЦр0,3-0,09) Bronze БрХ0,4Ко0,4Кр0,2Мг0,04 (Alloy №50) Bronze БрХ0,4Нб0,25 (Alloy 204; БрХНб0,4-0,25) Bronze БрХ0,5В0,2Цр0,2 (ХВЦр0,5-0,2-0,2) Bronze БрХ0,6Т0,5 (БрХТ0,6-0,5) Bronze BrMc5 BrCr0.7 bronze Bronze БрХ0,8 Bronze BrX1 Bronze BrC1Cr Bronze BrChNb Bronze BrCNT Bronze BrCrK Bronze BrCrTV Bronze BrCr0,2 Bronze BrCr0,3 Bronze BrCr0,4 Bronze BrCr0.7 Bronze БрА9Ж4Н4Мц1 (БрАЖНМц9-4-4-1) Bronze BrB2 Bronze БрАЖ1,5 (БрАЖ10-1,5) Bronze БрААЖ3Мц1,5 (БрАЖМц10-3-1,5) Bronze БрААЖ10Ж4Н4 (БрАЖН10-4-4) Bronze БрАА10Мц2 (БрАМц10-2) Bronze BrA5 Bronze БрА6Мг1 (БрАМг6-1) Bronze BrA7 Bronze БрА8,5Ж4Н5Мц1,5 (БрАЖНМц8,5-4-5-1,5) Bronze БрАА9Ж4 (БрАЖ9-4) Bronze БрА9Мц2 (БрАМц9-2) Bronze БрБ1,7НТ (БрБНТ1,7) Bronze БрБ1,9НТ (БрБНТ1,9) Bronze БрБ1,9НТМг (БрБНТ1,9Мг) Bronze BrN1,5Kr0,5 (BrNKr1,5-0,5) Bronze BrB2,5 Bronze БрК0,4Х0,6Кo1,6 (БрКХКo0,4-0,6-1,6) Bronze BrK1H3 (BrKN1-3) Bronze БрК3Мц1 (БрКМц3-1) Bronze BrKd0,5X0,15 (BrKdX0,5-0,15) Bronze BrKd1 BrKo3Mts10 (BrKoMts3-10) bronze Bronze BrMg0.03Cr0.035 (BrMgCr0.03-0.035) Bronze BrMg0,3 Bronze BrMg0,5 Bronze BrMg0,8 Bronze BrMc12A8Zh3N2 (BrMcAzHN12-8-3-2)


Name The value
Designation GOST Cyrillic БрХ1
Designation GOST Latin BpX1
Transliteration BrH1
The chemical elements BaCr1


Bronze Brh1 used: for the production of semi-finished products (sheets, strips, roles, bars); electrodes for welding contact welding machines; electric spare parts; equipment welding machines.


Low-alloyed chrome bronze.
Analogue of bronze Brh1 according to ST SEV 377−76 is bronze CuCr1.


Name Code Standards
Non-ferrous metals, including rare metals, and their alloys В51 GOST 18175-78, GOST 28873-90, TU 48-21-403-80
Sectional and shaped rolling В52 TU 48-0810-82-86
Bars В55 TU 48-21-408-86
Sheets and stripes В53 TU 48-21-779-85, TU 48-21-435-86, TU 48-21-5058-83, TU 48-21-70-83

Chemical composition

Standard Cr Cu
GOST 18175-78 0.4-1.2 The rest
Cu is the basis.
According to GOST 18175-78, the total mass fraction of impurities is ≤ 0.30%. Allowed by copper additional alloying elements, the amount of which should not exceed 0.30%.

Mechanical characteristics

Section, mm Brinell hardness number, MPa
The strip heat-treated in the delivery condition on the other 48-21-70-83 (samples)
10-30 30-110
3-8 30-120

Description mechanical marks

Name Description
Section Section

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