GOST R ISO 24497-2-2009
GOST R ISO 24497−2-2009 nondestructive testing. The method of metal magnetic memory. Part 2. General requirements
GOST R ISO 24497−2-2009
A Group Of Kzt51.
Nondestructive testing
Part 2
General requirements
Non-destructive testing. Metal magnetic memory. Part 2. General requirements
OKS 77.040
AXTU 0009
Date of introduction 2010−12−01
The objectives and principles of standardization in the Russian Federation established by the Federal law of 27 December 2002 N 184-FZ «On technical regulation», and rules for the application of national standards of the Russian Federation — GOST R 1.0−2004 «Standardization in the Russian Federation. The main provisions"
Data on standard
1 PREPARED by the Autonomous non-commercial organization «Scientific-research center of control and diagnostics of technical systems» (ANO «nits KD») based on its own authentic translation into the Russian language of the standard referred to in paragraph 4
2 SUBMITTED by the Technical Committee for standardization TC 132 «Technical diagnostics"
3 APPROVED AND put INTO EFFECT by the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology dated December 7, 2009 N 587-St
4 this standard is identical to international standard ISO 24497−2:2007 «non-destructive Control. The method of metal magnetic memory. Part 2. General requirements» (ISO 244972007* «Non-destructive testing — Metal magnetic memory — Part 2: General requirements», IDT).
* Probably, the error of the original. Should read: ISO 24497−2:2007. — Note the manufacturer’s database.
In applying this standard it is recommended to use instead of the referenced international standards corresponding national standards of the Russian Federation, details of which are given in Appendix A
5 REPLACE GOST R 52005−2003
Information about the changes to this standard is published in the annually issued reference index «National standards», and the text changes and amendments — in monthly indexes published information «National standards». In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard a notification will be published in a monthly information index «National standards». Relevant information, notification and lyrics are also posted in the information system of General use — on the official website of the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology on the Internet
1 Scope
This standard specifies the General requirements for application of method of metal magnetic memory of components, assemblies, equipment and structures for various purposes.
The purpose of the method:
— determination of the inhomogeneity of the stress-strain state of equipment and structures and the identification of zones of stress concentration — the main sources of the development of damage;
— the definition of sampling locations of the metal in areas of stress concentration to evaluate the structural and mechanical condition;
early diagnosis of fatigue damage and life assessment of equipment and structures;
— reduction of control and material costs when it is used in combination with traditional methods of nondestructive control;
— quality control of welded joints of various types and the design (including pin, spot welding);
Express sorting of new and secondhand machinery for their structural heterogeneity.
2 Normative references
This standard uses the regulatory references to the following standards:
ISO 9712−2005 Qualification and certification of personnel. Non-destructive testing
YONG 473−2005 Qualification and certification of personnel in nondestructive testing. General requirements
3 Reduction
This standard applies the following abbreviations:
MPM — magnetic memory metal;
Indigenous knowledge area (s) of stress concentration;
OK — the object of control;
Tmms — magnetic field scattering.
Note — process inspection method of magnetic memory of metal IPRA is characterized by a sharp local change in the magnetization on the surface is OK, which shows a sharp magnetic leakage flux from PMU. IPRA, formed in places of concentration of defects, heterogeneity of metal structure or in zones of steady strips of sliding due to static or cyclic loads.
4 General provisions
4.1 Method of ihrm relates to non-destructive passive fluxgate magnetic method.
4.2 MPM Method based on the measurement and analysis of the distribution of intrinsic magnetic stray fields of metal products, reflecting their structural and technological heredity, including welded joints. When the control uses the natural magnetization, formed in the process of manufacturing the product in a weak magnetic field*. For equipment in operation, the magnetic memory manifested in irreversible changes of the magnetization of the metal in the direction of action of maximum stresses from working loads.
* A weak magnetic field, geomagnetic field and other external fields in Rayleigh.
4.3 Method MPM defines indigenous knowledge, the presence of defects and heterogeneity of metal structure and welded joints.
Note — For details and products of mechanical engineering IPRA in the metal due to the technology of their production (melting, forging, rolling, turning, stamping, heat treatment, etc.).
4.4. For operating equipment, the method MPM provides a definition of indigenous knowledge, due to the complex influence of technological factors, the design features of the node and workloads.
4.5 control equipment of various technological purpose using sector-specific methodologies and guidance documents agreed or approved by the Gosgortechnadzor of the Russian Federation and other governmental and industry Supervisory bodies. For equipment not belonging to the Gosgortekhnadzor of the Russian Federation, can be used in methods approved by the Director.
4.6 MPM Method is used on products made of ferromagnetic and paramagnetic steels and alloys, cast irons, without limitation, controlled size and thickness including welded joints.
Note — Austenitic steel is allowed to control the method of MPM, if the microstructure is sensitive to the transformation of phases under static or cyclic loads.
4.7 Temperature range of application of the method MPM reglamentary conditions are normal and safe operation of the operator (specialist). Control devices should be operable at temperatures from minus 20 °to plus 60 °C.
5 the requirements of the building control
5.1 When using the MPM equipment and design of control both in working condition (under load) and when they stop (after removing the workload).
5.2 cleaning and surface preparation are required. Insulation is recommended to be removed. In some cases, Pets OK non-magnetic insulation. Maximum insulation layer thickness is determined by experiment.
5.3 the Range of thickness of metal in control areas indicated in the methods on this OK.
5.4 limiting factors For the application of the method of MPM include:
— artificial magnetization of the metal;
— extraneous ferromagnetic product is OK;
— availability of close proximity (closer than 1 m) OK source of an external magnetic field and fields from electric.
5.5 Acoustic noise and mechanical vibration OK have no effect on the results of the inspection.
6 Requirements for control devices
6.1 control of equipment using the MPM used specialized magnetometric devices with appropriate certificates. In the description of these devices should be standard methods of determining the IPRA.
6.2 Principle of operation of these devices should be based on the fixation of current pulses in the winding of the transducer when inserting it in the surface tmms space OK. As sensors to measure the intensity of tmms can be used fluxgate or other magnetically sensitive transducers: polymers or gradiometers.
6.3 Devices shall be provided with a screen for graphical representations of control settings, a registered device based on a microprocessor, a memory and the scanning device in the form of specialized sensors. Must be capable of transmitting information from the device to the computer and print it on the printer. Included with the device shall be supplied software for processing control results on the computer.
6.4 included with the device deliver specialized sensors. The type of sensors is determined by the method and OK. The sensors should be at least two measuring channels, one of which is measuring and the other is used for the detuning of the external magnetic field of the Earth.
The sensor housing must have an electronic unit increase of the measured field and the sensor for measuring the length of the controlled area.
6.5 OK, where is difficult to use the scanning device, it is possible to use magnetic instruments with digital indication of magnetic field strength.
6.6 the measurement error tmms following factors:
— the surface is OK;
— distance of the sensor from the surface is OK;
— scanning speed of the sensor along the surface is OK;
— the sensitivity of the sensor.
Permissible error of measurement must be specified in the methods, depending on OK.
6.7 Must be provided with the following metrological characteristics of the instrument:
— the main relative error of measurement of the magnetic field for each measurement channel — no more than ±5%;
— the relative error of measured length is not more than ±5%;
— measurement range of devices — not less than ±1000 A/m;
the minimum scanning step (distance between two adjacent control points) — 1 mm;
— noise due to CPU and chipset — not more than ±5 A/m.
7 preparations for the control
7.1 Preparation for control consists of:
— analysis of technical documentation on OK and mapping (of the form) OK.
— select the types of sensors and control devices;
— setting and calibration of instruments and sensors in accordance with the instructions specified in the passport of the device;
the conditional dividing of the test object on the parts and components that have design features, and indicate them on the form OK.
7.2 Analysis of technical documentation on the test object includes:
— identification of grades and sizes of nodes;
— analysis of modes OK and causes of failure (damage);
— identify the structural features of nodes, locations of welded joints.
8 performance of control
8.1 Measure the normal and/or tangential components of the magnetic stray field on the surface OK continuous or spot-scanning sensor of the device, while on the surface OK to identify areas with extreme changes the field
and the line with the zero field value
=0). These zones and lines correspond to the zones of concentration of residual stresses.
8.2 For a quantitative assessment of the level of concentration of residual stresses determine the coefficient of intensity , A/m
, changes in the magnetic field
by the formula
, (1)
where is the difference field
between the two control points
— the distance between the control points.
The zone of maximum concentration of residual stress corresponds to the maximum gradient of the normal and/or tangential fields .
8.3 the Results of monitoring are recorded in the memory block devices and then using the appropriate software, determine the IPRA with a maximum value and then read the mean value
for all areas of the BOOK, identified on the test object.
8.4 After the definition of values and
all zones identified in the control, there are two-three IPRA with the highest values
and calculate magnetic indicator strain capacity
by the formula
. (2)
The ratio calculated separately for gradients, normal and tangential components of the field.
If exceeds the limit value
, conclude that the limiting state of the metal before damage is OK.
Magnetic indicator characterizes the ability of deformation of the metal under work hardening before fracture and is determined in laboratory and industrial conditions by a special technique.
8.5 IN IPRA with the highest values perform additional inspection of destructive or non-destructive methods and select the most representative sample of the metal or the sample for the study of the structure and mechanical properties of the metal.
9 presentation of results control
9.1 the Results of the control are fixed in the Protocol, specify the following information:
— name of the nodes and plots, which revealed IPRA;
— extreme field values and its gradient
in the IPRA;
the results of additional monitoring in IPRA with other NDT methods;
— visual observations;
— operating time of object of control from the beginning of operation;
— the type of instrument used during monitoring;
— conclusions by results of control;
— the date of verification, name and signature of technician who performed the inspection.
9.2 the Protocol is applied in the form of object, with the designation of control areas and identified indigenous knowledge.
9.3 testing results are the conclusion results analysis, conclusions and application of magnetograms characterizing the state of a control object.
9.4 testing Results remain until the next examination OK.
10 security Requirements
10.1 the inspection allow individuals trained in the method of MPM with certification for qualification levels I and II.
Control method MPM holds the staff with the appropriate qualifications. To confirm the qualifications of the personnel conducting the certification in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9712 and EN 473.
10.2 Persons involved in magnetic control, should observe the safety regulations established for workers of this industry.
10.3 Prior to admission to the testing of MPM of all persons involved in the work must pass the appropriate instruction and safety training with registration in a special register.
Each time you change the conditions of works to carry out instructions. Responsible for conducting the instruction and training of operators must have the engineering level (level III).
10.4 During the inspection in a specific industrial environment use personal protective equipment.
10.5 During the inspection on high-rise structures used scaffoldings, ladders or cradles that meet the standards, norms and safety regulations
Annex a (mandatory). Information about the compliance of the referenced international standards reference the national standards of the Russian Federation (and acting in this capacity inter-state standards)
Appendix A
Table A. 1
Marking the reference international standard | The degree of compliance | Designation and name of the relevant national standard |
ISO 9712:2005 |
- | * |
YONG 473:2005 |
- | * |
* The corresponding national standard is missing. Prior to its adoption, it is recommended to use the translation into Russian language of this international standard. The translation of this international standard is the Federal information Fund of technical regulations and standards. |
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