GOST 19240-73
GOST 19240−73 Rails for ground and suspended tracks. Assortment (Change No. 1)
GOST 19240−73*
Group B22
OKP 09 2000
Date of introduction 1975−01−01
The decision of the State Committee of standards of Ministerial Council of the USSR of November 29, 1973 N 2610 introduction installed with 01.01.75
By the decree of Gosstandart of the USSR from
Replace GOST 5157−53 in the part of the two-headed rails, t-type P5, for land and hanging rails
*REISSUE with Change in N 1, approved in December 1984 (IUS 4−85)
1. This standard applies to two-headed rails, t-type P5, is designed for ground and suspended tracks.
Established by this standard indicators of technical level are provided for the first category of quality.
2. The cross-sectional size and limit deviations of the dimensions of the rails shall be as specified in the hell.1−3.
Damn.1. The two-headed rail
The two-headed rail
Damn.2. T-rail
Damn.3. Rail type R5
Rail type R5
Estimated value of rails specified in the application.
1, 2 (Modified edition, Rev. N 1).
3. The asymmetry of the cross section of the head and the rail base relative to the vertical axis of the neck shall not exceed the half-sum of the deviations of the dimensions of the corresponding elements of the profile.
4. Sizes that are not indicated limit deviations, given to build the caliber and ready for hire defined.
5. Two-headed and t-rails are made:
the measured length;
multiple of gauging length;
of random length.
Length of rails is installed at the customer’s request, but should not be more than 8 m for two-headed rails and not more than 7 m for t-rails.
6. Rails R5 are supplied in lengths of 6 m.
It is possible to produce rails with variable length from 1.5 to 4.6 m, not more than 5% of the mass of the party and from 4.6 to 8.0 m no more than 20% of the batch weight.
7. Rails are manufactured without milling the ends.
5−7 (Revised edition, Edit. N 1).
8. Maximum deviations along the length of rails dimensional and multiple lengths shall not exceed:
+40 mm for rails up to 4 m inclusive;
+60 mm for rails longer than 4 to 6 m, inclusive;
+80 mm for rails longer than 6 m.
9. The curvature of rails in horizontal and vertical planes shall not exceed 0.40 percent of the length.
10. The sizing of the cross section is carried out at a minimum distance of 500 mm from the end of the profile. The measurement of the thickness of the neck is carried out at the end of the rail.
11. Twisting the rails around the longitudinal axis is not allowed.
12. The grade of steel from which rails are manufactured, and technical requirements — according to GOST 535−88 and other applicable standards specified in the order.
Estimated value of rails
Parameter names | Estimated value of rails | ||
two-headed | t — | type R5 | |
The cross-sectional area, cm |
29,10 | 11,92 | 5,91 |
The moment of inertia about the horizontal axis, cm |
913,86 | 50,38 | 22,16 |
The moment of inertia about a vertical axis, cm |
Of 23.03 | 44,95 | 2,87 |
Resistance moment about the horizontal axis, cm |
Of 114.23 | - |
- |
Resistance moment about the horizontal axis (top), cm |
- |
9,37 | 7,76 |
Resistance moment about the horizontal axis (bottom) cm |
- |
30,98 | 9,45 |
The moment of resistance about a vertical axis, cm |
11,52 | Of 10.96 | Of 1.51 |
Distance of the centre of gravity to the sole, see | - |
1,63 | 2,34 |
Weight 1 m, kg | Of 22.84 | 9,36 | A 4.64 |
Note. The cross-sectional area and weight of 1 meter of rail is calculated based on nominal dimensions, the density of steel is equal to 7.85 g/cm |