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JSC "ormet" continues the modernization of production capacities

1 April 2019

JSC «ormet» refers to the Group «Russian copper company». Its processing factory is located in the town of Orsk in the Orenburg region. It continues the modernization of production facilities. It came to launching a new automatic system for technological process control. To create it used some earlier technological developments. Now, however, they are used in radically new level. The decision for their use was taken for a reason. They have proved their stability and reliability over a long period of work. Also the system uses and innovations.

The system consists of three levels. Basing on the modern industrial controller. Is a unit of Schneider Electric. Also used the distribution system of input-output. The state of technological object of management is fixed. She then appears in the form of diagrams with indication of the values of the parameters. This can be seen on the monitor of the operator. Also it is visible on the local panels apparatchiks. Responsible and monitors all process parameters. If they do not correspond to the established values, this is reported to the operator. Or it can happen automatically lock process.

The server accumulates the history, is the Registrar. In addition, he is still a repository of information. Through archiving you can track the causes of violations and failures. This helps make the subsequent solution. Also there is a system of visual, audible and voice alerts. It informs personnel on the course of operations. Implementation of the project is estimated at 48 million rubles. Currently we are testing the new system. This is necessary in order to identify its vulnerabilities.

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