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The US and China actively trade negotiations

17 January 2019

At the end of last week in Washington, Donald trump gave a press conference. Among the issues was the lot of those that relate to relations with China. We will remind, last year the US imposed steel tariffs and aluminum. Then it was reported that in 2019 tariffs will be increased. However, parties managed to agree. So the increase will not be until March this year. As reported by the American President, between countries are trade negotiations. He assured that everything is done at the highest level. In addition, trump said that he was going to make a deal.

Donald trump has told, why has decided to impose tariffs. In his opinion, the US never received a proper income. Now China has to pay huge sums of taxes on imports. Thus, the U.S. Treasury replenished by billions of dollars. It didn’t happen before in American history. According to trump, it was unfair to the state. Though he achieved success, are still willing to make a deal. The US and China plan to sign a new agreement. It can be called conciliatory. This will allow countries to correct the tense economic relationship.

The administration of the President of the United States imposed the highest tariffs in March last year. It essentially spoiled the relations between America and China. In response to the actions of trump, China imposed its own limitations. This was the so-called «reciprocal tariffs». They touched upon the import of American goods to the Chinese territory. However, the leaders of the two countries met in November 2018. The meeting was held in the framework of the G20 summit in Buenos Aires. Then they were able to negotiate, and announced a moratorium. We are talking about a moratorium on the introduction of new tariffs. It will last until March 2019. Both sides want to reduce the bilateral trade deficit.

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