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At the G20 summit have signed an agreement USMCA
7 December 2018
Recently hosted the G20 summit in Buenos Aires. Between the heads of the three States signed a new trade agreement. It is called the USMCA. The document is a replacement of NAFTA, which operated from 1994. He was...
The global long products market: last week
6 December 2018
November ended not well for the global long products market. Prices continued to fall steadily. The number of actual transactions was insignificant. Many buyers are waiting for further decline. This applies particularly to East Asia and...
How was the week for the world market of metallurgical raw materials
3 December 2018
Metallurgical raw materials continues to decrease. In China has significantly declined the price of iron ore. A similar situation occurs with scrap metal in East Asia. It is illustrated that the reduced level of demand.
BMZ will increase its exports of rebar and wire rod in Africa
30 November 2018
OAO BMZ (Belarusian steel works) is a management company of holding «BMK». The following year, she had serious plans. So it intends to increase exports of rebar and wire rod. Increased shipments will be delivered...
Chinese exports of alumina showed an increase in October
29 November 2018
In October of 2018 Chinese companies exported 460,1 thousand tons of alumina. This figure was a new record in the history of the industry. Last impressive result had and June 2014. As for the imports, it became...
EVRAZ bought a new machine for the drilling of vertical wells diameter up to 2.4 meters
27 November 2018
The company started to implement a new technology of drilling wells. So the company bought a machine that can drill vertical boreholes of larger diameter. It is up to 2.4 meters. The drilling process is controlled...
"Volgo-Baltik logistics" carried out a unique transportation of large equipment
26 November 2018
«Volga-Baltic logistics» is a subsidiary of the company North-Western shipping company. She has carried out a unique transportation of large equipment. It is necessary for the modernization of the Omsk...

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