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The company Dalur received a shipment of scandium

30 July 2017

Russian company Dalur, focused on the extraction of uranium, has received the first batch of scandium. This metal along with uranium is a strategically important material. In 2015, Rosatom has decided to Finance this investment project. His main doctrine is the extraction of scandium, which will be held in conjunction with obtaining uranium. In the framework of the project the company Dalur has developed a technology of production of metal. After this was established experimental-industrial pilot plant. Its construction was completed in late April of this year. Then began start-up operations. With the receipt of the first shipment has been slightly delayed. According to preliminary plans it was supposed to be made in June of this year.

The volume of the first experimental batch, produced by a pilot plant is five pounds. After the enterprise will reach its full annual capacity, the volume will increase substantially. Dalur expects to produce at least 1.5 tonnes of oxide of scandium. Globally this number is about 15% of the total produced in the world of metal. Scandium in demand in the nuclear sector, used in space technology and microelectronics. Russian producers plan to supply metal not only on domestic but also on foreign markets. Today the company has a number of agreements concerning the supply of finished products year number of enterprises.

The presence of scandium in the Kurgan region for uranium deposits has long been known. Implementation of the project for its production was launched in 2014. In the initial phase confirmed the industrial content of this rare earth element. After this, Russian design institutes began to develop optimal technology.

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