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A seven-year Eurobond was successfully placed by metalloinvest

3 May 2017

Metalloivest made an announcement about the successful placement of bonds for seven years. Amount of bonds equal to eight hundred million dollars. And the coupon rate equates to nearly five percent per annum. The repayment period is scheduled for two thousand twenty-fourth year. The company is a key supplier and manufacturer of iron ore products and iron hot briquetting in the foreign market. And one of the domestic factories producing high quality steel.

The enterprise stressed that within marketingovaya bonds among investors of high qualification has been intensified attention. They tried to interest States, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Germany and Russia.

The results of the active interest of buyers to the goods being sold was the volume of subscriptions. They crossed the threshold of two billion dollars opening bid books. Bonds posted more than a hundred investors from all countries. Among them, the European countries and the UK fell 53 per cent, Russia and Asia 36%. The States fell eleven percent of the total number of bonds. More than fifty percent were bought by private banking. Thirty-six percent of the bought asset managers and stock components. The residual bonds were purchased by various funds and insurance companies.

Corporate coordinators and bookrunners for the placement was also loud. Among them was a Loan, Swiss, Sberbank, Seibi, Soceite General and Vitili capital. And the key organisers were BofA Merrill lunch, Gazprombank and Yanji.

Investment of bond Metalloinvest is planned to be the investing account review. Reviews of own Eurobonds with a nominal value of one billion dollars. And closing period of up to 2020. The rate of each coupon is more than five and a half percent per annum. And as well as financing the General corporate purposes of the entire company.

Of the papers that were presented at the sale, which was held in mid-April this year amounted to more than sixty percent. In other words, six hundred sixty seven million U.S. dollars at full cost. According to organizers of sales it became the largest sale of the bonds of one of the editions for Russia over the last year. Calculated measurements of the tender was scheduled on the fifth of may this year.

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