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South Korea received the allegations in the calculation of subsidies to steel export

19 April 2017

In the USA the Ministry of trade made a statement about the increase of anti-dumping duties on the pipes. These pipes are shipped from South Korea and used to create oil and gas wells. Thus was introduced a new legal tools. They allow fully expect any costs from the outside.

After conducting a full analysis of the administration fees have been changed by the Department. For pipes made of steel with a oil or industrial value, they increased by 18.4 percent. Primary metrics was six and a half percent.

This situation was the starting of those that were adopted following the provision of the Law about trade preferences. This gives the opportunity of the American trade Ministry to study the competitive-market situation. In this situation included the subsidies in different countries for materials.

With pipes from South Korea was have a separate «curvature rates». The reason for subsidies of electrical energy that can be used in steel production.

Wilbur Ross, is the Minister commercial relations of the United States, said the opinion on this question. According to him, the authorities will not tolerate, what would the curvature of the external markets had a negative impact on the United States. And in this case they are not in favor of companies of the United States.

According to officials, the presidential administration, and next going to use any possible methods. The main thing that they were settled and clearly provided all the statutes. However, immediate action would be taken against the negative market practices. The latter is now widely used by States parties from abroad.

The import into America oil drill pipe special assortment had other estimates. Drilling, mining and transporting of pipes in the period from summer 2014 to summer 2015 has sold a considerable amount. At that time it amounted to one billion one hundred million dollars. With about a quarter of the deliveries fell in South Korean imports.

Two years, 2015, ago, there was a strong decline in the activity of drilling. The import of steel pipes at the time was in excess. This has caused downtime for some pregnant factories in America. Among them was Granitite from Illinois. The plant Yues still was reduced not less than two thousand workers from the state.

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