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In Europe, rising costs for raw materials provokes a rise in steel prices

5 December 2016

The British Agency MEPS International reports that growth in coal prices was plain to European metallurgists. As for metalloproizvoditelej region has long had a question about raising prices. Producers have become confident that customers are now less concerned about the availability of products.

Although buyers continue to buy the products, despite rising prices. Service centres have expressed concern about the growing discontent among customers. The volume of European imports continue to be limited. Serve the cause of trade sanctions Gar — and cold-rolled coils, and rising prices.

Germany, one of the leaders in steel production in Europe, has significantly improved the quality of their products. However, buyers believe that it is not enough to justify the sharp spike. At the same time, the German distributors, at the moment, not worth the price increase. But the base price for the products does not stop growing, due to the limited demand and long delivery time.

Buyers do not doubt the inevitable rise in price of steel. This is due to increased costs for raw materials, however, I doubt that the price will reach the predicted results.

In the French market, despite the minor change activity, prices continue to strengthen. Consumers have expressed the hope palenie prices. At that time, as producers intend to increase it.

In Italy stable growth shows that the sector of the auto industry. The growth of other segments of the market has been rather slow. However, core prices are rising due to late deliveries from European countries and the domestic limited supply.

But in the United Kingdom witnessed a significant price rise. Distributors noted a significant activity in October. Causes: weakness of the British pound and the lack of competition from third countries.

In Belgium there is quite an active demand. Plants proizvoditeli filled with orders and are working at full capacity. The competition from third countries are very small. Therefore, there prices continue to creep up.

In the Spanish domestic market in October, significantly increased manufacturing output. The steel market in Spain expects public investment. Demand remains at a stable level. Will limit the current supply is allowed to increase base prices in this month.

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