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Completion of construction of the pelletizing plant Stoilensky recognized as the most important event of the year in Russian steelmaking

14 November 2016

The main investment project of NLMK pelletizing plant Stoilensky recognized as a major event of the year in 2016. The news was announced during the exhibition Metal-Expo — 2016, which is being held in Moscow.

Award «most important event in metallurgy» was established to promote and stimulate industry. Nominees become the most ambitious projects in the industry. The winner is chosen by secret ballot. The composition of the judicial Committee includes representatives of the most powerful metallurgical enterprises of Russia.

After the announcement of the winner of the Konstantin Lagutin Vice-Pesident NLMK commented on the event. He noted that the construction of the pelletising plant concentrate is an important part of the group’s growth strategy. The implementation of this strategic project will allow NLMK to substitute purchased pellets products. It will fully meet the needs of blast furnace shops at Novolipetsk, the main types of iron ore. Thus, to decrease the cost of cast iron and improve the efficiency of the entire production chain. The project was implemented from 2014. According to expert estimates, the total value of NLMK company at a cost of seven hundred million dollars.

The project helped to create almost three hundred new jobs. And according to preliminary calculations, will annually replenish the country’s budget of four billion roubles.

NLMK group is Russia’s largest steel producer, which plays a significant role in the global market. The company operates in various sectors of the metal industry from power equipment to engineering.

The company has production assets not only in Russia but also in USA and Europe. And production capacity exceeds seventeen thousand tons per year. That allows the company to occupy one of leading places at the market.

NLMK group is one of the most competitive steel companies. The company’s revenues this year totaled almost three and a half billion dollars.

The award is not the first success’s this year. Previously, the company was recognized as a leader in the steel industry, the competition hosted by leading international industry and analytical publication of the S&P Global Platts.

The company’s shares sold on the Moscow and London stock exchanges.

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