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After the message about the victory of Donald trump's steel prices went up

13 November 2016

After the announcement of the victory of Donald trump in the presidential election in the USA, the steel market has again changed. So, on the main stock markets, muchery for steel and raw materials showed an increase, on average by four percent. Experts in their forecasts say that the growth of prices for coke, also affect steel.

The composite index of steel stopped at a value of 8.15 points, in percent ratio of 1.41%.

According to statistics, the share of USA in 2015, accounted for 2.2 percent of steel exports. This year, for the supply of steel products delivered, about, twenty-two trade barriers. And this applies, of any product of steel production, ranging from fittings and finishing of seamless pipes.

Experts have already expressed my opinion regarding early declarations of the new President of the United States concerning Chinese imports. In their opinion, threatening statements trump hardly any impact on investor confidence. We are talking about the performance of trump, in which he stated about the rupture of trade relations with China.

Some market participants even before the elections rather more reliable assets as a Clinton victory became less likely.

Of greater interest was caused by statements about the modernization of the infrastructure of the United States of America. The problem of expensive repairs, bridges, and road junctions are obvious to American politicians. And has been affected by Donald trump and Hillary Clinton in their electoral campaigns. So far, analysts make rough estimates about the likely cost of this upgrade. It is assumed that the US government will have to allocate from the budget about four trillion dollars for the reconstruction of infrastructure. The program allocation is calculated till 2020.

Yet, it remains unclear how long to continue such a situation. But four percent increase in price, significantly influenced both the dealers and the buyers were.

Although, so far, to make any predictions too early, because the situation can cardinally change. While the steel market remains very volatile. Perhaps the panic does not last long and prices stabiliziruemost.

But not only the steel rose sharply in price. After the announcement of the victory of the controversial billionaire has stirred up all the world markets. Previously, it has suffered wounds of gold, the price of which has soared.

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