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VMK Red October started the launcher works

20 October 2016

The specialists of the Volgograd red October began commissioning procedures at the new furnace school. Together with them in the works attended by the representatives of the supplier. Dismantling the previous equipment — roller oven 13 — held in December last year. After that, started construction work on hardening furnace. Also started work on the implementation of the complex associated equipment. It includes manipulator, literarkritik, up stacker, which sets the roller conveyor.

In the beginning of the month, experts conducted a test hardening on new hardware. Testing began with a sheet thickness of which was 20 mm. the Material of products is austenitic stainless steel. The following subjects were stainless sheet 30 mm thick, sheet of stamps 09x18Н9, the thickness of which reached 10 mm. Control tests of the hardened products have shown positive results. Were tested the mechanical properties of the metal, the lack of susceptibility to intergranular corrosion. Metal can be used in manufacturing and is ready to deliver to the consumer.

The remaining tests of the other grades will be completed in the shortest possible time. In addition to the different brands will be tested and products of different thickness. However, the preliminary opinion of the specialists are ready to announce the already obtained data. Hardening furnace heats the metal evenly, temperature swings are virtually eliminated. As a result, providing high quality metal products. To achieve all the required properties of the metal. The maximum level of temperature in the working zone of the roller kiln reaches 1.2 thousand degrees. The furnace is designed for hardening of stainless steel rolled products. The equipment is equipped with high-speed recuperative burners impulsive. This technique guarantees a complete combustion of the fuel. This guarantees the required temperature regimes. Provided and effective waste heat of the outlet flue gases. Guaranteed protection of the atmosphere of the shop from leakage of combustion products. Also the new equipment provides a lining of refractory advanced materials.

Approaching the beginning of the 22nd International industrial exhibition «Metal-Expo». Red October, intending to take part, plans to present the achievements over the past year. Will be lighted modernization of production facilities. The representatives of the plant will present a unique product — a rental with a thermal improvement.

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