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On the Day of Russia in 2016

12 June 2016

Russia and its people said many beautiful and exciting dates. But one of the most important is Russia Day, which falls on the 12th of June. However, prior to 2002, the title sounded wrong. Solemn date called the Day of adoption of Declaration on state sovereignty of Russia. This holiday, if you compare it with other memorable dates, quite young. The signing of the Declaration took place on 12 June in 1990. It was then that happened the first Congress of people’s deputies. The Declaration talked about the primacy of the Russian Constitution and proclaimed the beginning of an action of the adopted laws. The young sovereign state persistently reinforced its own independence, aided by a new name. It was about the Russian Federation.

Another solemn moment that will always remember history of the new Russia, came in 1991. And also on 12 June, which was very symbolic. On this day the country became the first President who was B. N. Yeltsin. This choice was the result of the brilliant victory of the President open national elections. What Yeltsin gave the day of the signing of the Declaration state the value in 1994. With the passage of time the name of the celebration modified. In 1998, the holiday was named Russia Day. However, the official renaming took place only on 1 February 2002, after the entry into force of the new Labour code.

This renaming was justified because a public holiday has taken root hard enough. Despite its patriotism the Day of the Declaration did not evoke much response in the hearts. He was regarded by the inhabitants of the country just an additional day, allowing you to go on vacation or to work in the country. It’s funny, but some the citizens managed to completely forget about your anniversary date, being the favorite work. The new name is significantly corrected the situation.

Gradually the attitude of Russians to state the date underwent changes. By the way, state authorities in many respects contributed to the popularity that she gradually took on the occasion. Today the tradition from which it all began, still inherent in this day. The Day Of Russia, proclaiming the idea of justice, social and democratic responsibility, accompanied by various events. And each of them aimed at rallying the Russian population.

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