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US Steel Corp. In the complaint will be investigated

7 June 2016

The U.S. international trade Commission plans to conduct another investigation against China. The lawsuit was filed by the American Corporation U. S. Steel. Its representatives have accused Chinese manufacturers and American divisions of companies in multiple violations. The lawsuit said about the illegal export of steel and the production control of price collusion. Also it was about the forgery of documents relating to the origin of products and the theft of industrial secrets. Main article, in accordance with which will be investigated — article 337 of the tariff Act of the United States. It was adopted in 1930 and provides for the possibility of a ban of deliveries of goods in cases of export violations. This prohibition may be partial or complete.

Under consideration fell about 40 Chinese manufacturers with their distributors. The list includes almost all leading companies of the metallurgical sector of the PRC. What are the consequences if the Commission confirms the claim of U. S. Steel? As a result, the possible total prohibition of any import of steel products of China in the United States. In any case, representatives of U. S. Steel Corporation insist on such a decision.

The main claim contained in the complaint of the Corporation, relates to hacking the servers of U. S. Steel in 2011. Its representatives have accused Chinese hackers associated with the government, in the theft technology. We are talking about the production of high-strength automotive sheet. The Corporation was involved in its development more than ten years. However, until 2011, Chinese manufacturers did not produce anything like it. But then the Corporation Baosteel too soon have mastered the production of such products. Indications that U. S. Steel

Is the injured party has in the Federal indictment. He was produced in 2014 and directed against the citizens of the PRC. In this case, before the court, it never came.

In response to the beginning of a new investigation by the Ministry of Commerce of China has released another statement. In this American government was accused of ignoring the principles of the WTO. Mentioned and protectionist market policies. Outside observers say the continued deterioration of relations between the two countries. In the heart of the conflict is a steel products. Recently the American Commerce Department has proposed to appoint the regular fee involving corrosion-resistant steel. Their size should be around 450%.

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