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Happy February 23, 2016

22 February 2016

«Personal» and «major» holidays have all professions, private data is available for lovers, students, women. Of course, the strong half is no exception, «man's holiday» is celebrated on February 23 over almost a century. Defender of the Fatherland Day — the date desired, even a real man needs to feel the love of those whom he is ready to defend his own life. But why on February 23? It is usually the appearance of memorable dates precede any significant events.

Well, let us turn to history. In 1918, January 15 — if it is in the old style — Council of People's Commissars issued a decree that regulated the creation of the first Red Army of Workers and Peasants. The solution is quite reasonable, considering the active attack of the Austro-Hungarian and German forces. Revel were captured Narva, Minsk and Pskov, in mid-February, the situation was catastrophic. Then on February 23 it published a proclamation calling to take up arms, to provide resistance to the invaders, to defend a just cause. Mobilization of fresh forces encouraged the army so that in early March, the parties signed the Brest-Litovsk Treaty.

So, it is the victory of the Red Army near Pskov became the very date? Perhaps, however, there is another version. Once again, look at the history of 1918. So, January 10 petition was filed by N. Podvoisky regarding the appointment of the date of the Day of the Red Army. However, a request the President of the Supreme Military Inspectorate of the Red Army was considered a little later than planned. Therefore a new holiday decided to combine with Day Gift Red, which falls on February 17th. But then, bad luck — in 1919, this day falls on Monday. What really is the holiday… Well, we had to make another transfer — now on the next Sunday, that is, 23 February. The holiday has passed, and the time date suddenly moved into the category of permanent.

However, the official status of the holiday was granted only in 1922, as a decree was issued on 27 January — when he was known as the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy. Despite the name change, Defender of the Fatherland Day celebrated today with equal pleasure and heroes of the occasion, and their relatives and friends. Of course, for many years it has changed — perhaps lost some pomp, military faded coloration. But the tradition of congratulating favorite men will not go away. It does not matter, they serve in the army or not, the number of years lived by them and so on. The main thing — any one of them is willing to stand up for our security. And because we wish them happiness, health, self-confidence — and in us.

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