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"Norilsk Nickel" announced the results of 2015

8 February 2016

«Norilsk Nickel» has introduced a preliminary report on the work in 2015. In accordance with nickel production dropped by 3% relative to the 2014 year. The result was 266 000 tonnes. Development of nickel from its raw materials has exceeded 220,000 tons. Previously presented forecast promised production at the level of 220−225 thousand tons. Compared to the year 2014 figures have decreased by 1%. In IVkvartale metal production amounted to about 73 000 tonnes. This indicator is relatively IIIkvartala increased by 16%. Nickel release from the company resources IVkvartale reached approximately 59,000 tons. This indicator is relatively IIIkvartala increased by 7%. This growth was observed on the background of developing a work in progress. Among the factors that influenced the decrease of production refers implementation strategy developed by «Norilsk Nickel». It includes reconfiguration production. Taken into account a decrease in the number of Kola MMC tolling low-profit operations. Also influencing factor was the closing of the implementation of the Tati Nickel asset in Africa. It took place in IIkvartale 2015.

In IVkvartale copper production increased by 4% compared to IIIkvartala. Indicators reached the level of more than 95 000 tonnes. Better results were observed against the background of increasing the volume of metal contained in the raw materials. It will affect the use in the production of unfinished IVkvartale. Development of the company's copper resources IVkvartale reached 91,000 tons. This figure exceeds the results IIIkvartala 5%. In 2015 the company produced more than 369,000 tons of copper. Compared to the year 2014 figures have not changed substantially. metal release of its raw materials increased by 2% compared to 2014. Production volumes reached a level of 353,000 tonnes. This figure is somewhat lower than planned volumes. According to the forecast, he had to reach 360−368 thousand tons.

Kola MMC Polar Division and improved performance by 7% relative to IIIkvartala. In IVkvartale they produced about 59 000 tonnes of nickel. Annual metal production amounted to over 222,000 tonnes. Regarding the 2014 results decreased by 3%. Development of copper IVkvartale reached the mark of 92 thousand tons. Regarding IIIkvartala growth was 4%. In general, over 2015 units have developed about 356,000 tons of copper. Regarding the 2014 production volumes remained virtually unchanged.

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