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Evraz has summed up the past year

1 February 2016

Evrazobnarodovala Company's results of operations for 2015 in full. IVkvartala indicators were also considered. The consolidated production of steel has increased by 2%. Indicators reached 3.6 mln. Tons. The improvement observed on the background of the end of the scheduled maintenance. They were held at the company's plants in the US and Ukraine. The consolidated production of steel products increased by 5%. This figure does not include the volumes perekatki. Growth is mainly achieved indicators of Ukrainian origin.

In general, the production volume of the share of semi-finished steel. In the third quarter it was 32%. In the fourth increased to 45%. Indicators have been observed on the background of a seasonal decline in consumption of finished products in the Russian Federation. The decline in demand was noted at the railway and construction steel products. Volumes of production of railway products increased by 11%. This figure was made possible, given the resumption of EVRAZ Pueblo renovated. The amount obtained pipe production increased by 3%. The improvement noted in connection with the growth of production in the production of large diameter pipes EVRAZ Portland (USA).

The volume of raw coal coke production increased by 12%. The improvement was possible due to the end of the rewiring lavas on «JUzhkuzbassugle». Development of coal concentrate at the same time decreased by 6%. Influencing factor was the low level of consumption of other metallurgical industries.

Regarding the 2014 consolidated production of steel has fallen by 8%. The result in the end amounted to 14.3 million. Tons. To a certain extent on the performance influenced by de-consolidation «Highveld» plant in South Africa. If you do not take into account «Highveld», decline in production has reached 5%. The main factor for the decrease of steel and metal — the worsened market situation. Number of production of finished products fell by 6%. It does not take into account the volume of perekatki. If we exclude «Highveld», shows a decrease of 4%.

Decreased and the number of finished products in the consolidated volume. Its share has reached 63% in 2015. At the same time in 2014. The figure was 69%. The deterioration noted in the background of weak demand and growing competition in the domestic markets. In Russia, the company's competitors have become national manufacturers. In North America, the competition were importers of steel products.

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