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Development of the Russian non-ferrous metals producers is down

12 January 2016

11mesyachnye results of production of non-ferrous metals Russian metallurgists were announced. In accordance with these production index reached 92.3%. The comparison is made with the same period in 2014. It is also estimated production index in November. Compared with November 2014 figures it was 97.2%. The fall relative to 2014 occurred against the background of reduction of production volumes. This refers to products with high technological readiness, which is supplied to the domestic market. These data provided the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia.

Development of primary aluminum amounted to 96.2% in the period of relatively 11mesyachny 2014. If we consider the November production index was 93.8%. Production of refined copper reached 98.8% compared to the same period of 2014. When comparing November figures there was a decline to 94%. Development of raw nickel fell to 96.9% in 11 months. The November results show a decline in production to 97.2%. These data were provided by «Metallservice».

According to the Ministry since January of last year seen a definite trend. It shows a steady decline in the value of the global non-ferrous metals. This is explained by the fact of slowing economic development worldwide. Primarily affecting factor is China, because it is a major consumer of non-ferrous products. This is followed by a decrease in oil prices and strengthening of the USD. This trend has remained stable until August of last year. It was only in September was seen some price increases. However, October and November of manufacturers have not formed. The cost of production has gone down again. The same primary aluminum in September fell to 1588,8 USD / ton. In October, the price dropped to 1524 USD / ton. In November, the price at all was 1465,6 USD / ton. That is, the decrease in prices in November was 4.8%. The cost of copper has fallen by 7.9%, falling nickel prices showed 10.8%.

At the same time Russian producers of nonferrous metallurgy are guided by the London Stock Exchange price. adjustments also occur against the backdrop of the domestic currency. In accordance with these factors in the growth of domestic prices for November elaboration of metal has reached 96.1%. The comparison was made with respect to October of the same year.

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