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"Norilsk Nickel" has signed a new contract

19 January 2016

Mining and Metallurgical Company «Norilsk Nickel» has signed a new contract. It deals with obtaining a syndicated loan. Its amount is 4.8 billion. Yuan. On the day of signing the agreement amounts to the equivalent of 730 million. USD. Signatory, became China's banks. Vihchisle Industrial & Commercial Bank of China, China Construction Bank Corporation, Shanghai Branch andother. Agent ICBC loan offers it as a revolving line on 5letny term. The syndicated loan is granted Chinese banks. It allows you to increase the total volume of loans available, «Norilsk Nickel». He is 2.5 billion. USD. At the end of June last year, net corporate debt amounted to 3.564 billion. USD.

As a result, «Norilsk Nickel» has sold to Chinese investors to share in the field «Bystrinskoye». Its value amounted to 100 million. USD. This is a 13.3% stake in the company. On the part of China was organized by the investment fund Hopu. According to some sources, the overall cost of the project Bystrinsky estimated at 750 million. USD. This amount includes the Chinese investment. If you do not take into account the Chinese investors, the amount of 650 mln. USD. In mid-December it was reported that the corporation has already spent on construction of GOK about 650 mln. USD. At the same time the budget was set, «Norilsk Nickel» in 2016. He has made 145 billion. RUB. Of these, 40 billion RUB -. Or 550 million USDpo present course -. Planned to invest in the «Bystrinskoye». It was assumed that the mine will be launched in 2017. By 2019, output was supposed to planned capacity. She was 65 800 tons of copper annually. As a result, the company was created to diversify revenue. Today, nickel out of it accounted for 43%. Copper is 23%. Assets «Bystrinsky» is estimated at 2.1 million. Red metal. Gold is 7.6 million. Oz. Magnetite iron is 67 mln. Tons of silver 34.1 million. Oz. Evaluation carried out by categories B + C1 + C2.

In addition MMC «Norilsk Nickel» has sold its stake in the holding company «Inter RAO». It was equal to almost 10% of the shares. The company has transferred 9,68% United Capital Partners shares. The deal amounted to 152.6 million. USD. This sale was another step in implementing the company's strategy. It deals with the sale of non-core assets. This transaction, the Russian company finally completed the sale of shares of energy companies in Russia.

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