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Happy Energy 2015

21 December 2015

December 22 of each year, the people of Ukraine and Russia traditionally congratulates power engineering specialists. The people of this profession, of course, the most important members of contemporary society. In fact, it is impossible to do without power in the present world. It's light and heat, the water in the pipes and working televisions, computers, and refrigerators. That familiar comfort. In addition, the energy sector and allows to develop other sectors of the country. Energy providing operation of energy systems, carefully extract energy from natural sources. Their friends — the sun and the air. But curiously enough, people whose work is connected with the light, celebrate their date in the shortest daylight hours.

The tradition to celebrate the professional date came in 1966. During this period, the Soviet government established the festival, which was dedicated to the 22 December 1920. That year, the country's electrification plan was approved by the Government on this day. According to the decision of the whole territory of Russia it was to equip the electricity. Then in the legislation there have been some changes that have affected the date of the celebration. Some businesses still prefer to celebrate professional date to the third Sunday in December.

In honor of the Day of the foremost energy industry decided to award diplomas, handing gifts and awards. This celebration is well deserved, as the Day of energy is considered to be a holiday for the whole country. Occupation energy requires much courage and perseverance. Equally important work, carrying with them the light and heat, and can be very dangerous. There are times when the threat affects not only health, but life. It happens that the professionals were forced to operate in extremely difficult conditions.

There is a Greek legend of Prometheus titanium. He loved people, and therefore committed a terrible crime. Stealing from Olympus sacred spark of fire, Prometheus brought her to the ground. Much later, Maxim Gorky created the story of Danko. Courageous hero pulled out of the chest burning heart to light the way for people who have lost hope. And Prometheus, and Danko courageous and selfless person, the very first in the history of energy. And today we congratulate on a professional holiday of their worthy successors.

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