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Gai GOK continues to implement major construction project

15 November 2015

The regular construction and tunneling works on Gaisky GOK. Shakhtostroitel treated with the new underground facilities. One of them — the section of the main conveyor. The second is the crushing and conveying complex. He must ensure the supply of raw materials from the northern part of the deposit. These objects are included in the capital construction project «Rudny path to the trunk of mine» New. «They are designed to increase the efficiency of mining raw materials at 910−990 m. This will be followed ore mining on the floor 990−1070 meters. Crushing and conveying complex comprises a crushing plant and conveyor gallery. Its length is 273 m. In addition to the complex includes other accessories.

Construction of the complex was accompanied by moments. The prevailing geological conditions require the use of fasteners workings. The volume of used concrete has reached about 2000 W m. The whole weight of the construction has reached about 500 tons. The length of the workings of approximately 0.5 km. During the work the length of the mounted cable production reached about 6 km. To descend to the desired depth of metal structures developed specific technology. In the process involved dump trucks and LHD equipment. Most dimensional and massive equipment is placed on the metal sheet. Then it curved on all sides by a sheet transported to the installation area. According to experts, the cost of work in 2015 will require investment of over 200 million. RUB.

In addition to the procedure for the delivery of raw materials Dombarovsky fields it has been optimized. Levoberezhnoe, summer and autumn are located 200 km from the processing plant of Ai GOK. Logistics excluded from the scheme trucking delivery and standard rail. Delivery of raw materials is carried out using self-unloading dump cars. Optimization of logistics has increased traffic volumes of up to 135 000 tons of copper ore. Until this month transported about 110 000 tonnes. Another plus — a significant reduction in the time of discharge. Previously, the operating time is up to 3 hours. Now the party dump cars, including 11 cars, trucks, unloaded for 60 minutes.

Experts point out that the changes carried out by the delivery of raw materials did not require excessively high investments. For dumpcar entrance to the receiving hopper was changed to the location of the railway track. 500metrovy portion shifted in the direction of the housing primary crushing. Additionally reconstructed having weight and unloading rack.

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