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China will cancel fees

26 October 2015

In mid-October, the appellate body of the WTO decision was taken regarding the established Chinese duties. The changes will affect anti-dumping duties applied by China to some stainless products. Basically this seamless pipes from EU and Japan. 10% duties were imposed in November 2012. They affect imported high-quality products. The main scope of its application — thermal power plants. Cancellation fees are already considered in February 2015. The verdict was passed in favor of the European Union and Japan. However, representatives of the PRC has been appealed. Apparently, in vain — the October verdict is much more severe. Earlier, China, justifying the imposition of duties, talked about the damage to national producers. WTO points to the falsity of the allegations concerning imports of stainless steel seamless pipe. Imported from Japan and EU products are of higher quality. Because of competition with local goods are not talking.

Some experts believe that it is «retaliation» to the previously adopted EU limit. They significantly affected the Chinese supply. Before filing a lawsuit anti-dumping duties were imposed on certain types of stainless steel pipes from China. For China, this tactic familiar. Take, USA. At one time they had blocked imports of certain Chinese pipe products. In response to China imposed duties on imported electrical steel. This product most massively shipped from America to China.

While the United States did not contest the decision. In the case of stainless steel from Japan and the EU investigation was error. According to the WTO opinion, the procedures were carried out correctly. The decision to impose duties was made in non-transparent mode. As a result, the country received the chances of a successful appeal. Representatives of Japan and ES solution satisfied. However, they point to the timeliness of its adoption. The economic downturn in China has reduced the consumption of electricity. Hence, the fall in demand for stainless steel special pipe. In 2008, exports to China have brought Japan and Europe more than 500 million. USD. In 2012, the supply was made at 80 mln. USD. Apparently, the demand will be and do the minimum in the current year.

By the way, from European steelmakers constantly heard accusations against China. Mentioned unfair competition, excess capacity, exports at a reduced cost. Steel production in China exceeds 1.1 billion. Tons / year.

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