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VSMPO-Avisma announced new development

16 September 2015

Russian titanium giant VSMPO-Avisma participates in an exhibition of weapons and ammunition technology. «Russia Arms Expo 2015» was opened in Nizhny Tagil, Sverdlovsk region. The exhibition Avisma demonstrates not only traditional products. The stand presented new developments. They are intended for the Russian military-industrial complex. In particular, we are talking about the presentation of a titanium-doped sparingly VST2 alloy. It was developed by experts at the Corporation for the last 5 years. It created a new alloy for use as a structural material and armor. When compared with the traditional steel and titanium alloys, there are a number of advantages. The total weight of the product VST2 lower final cost of the product below. Thus significantly better ballistic performance.

Considered vests 2nd and 3rd class, equipped with titanium plates, 20% lighter than steel counterparts. In this case the price is not expensive exhibition vests those used in the army. Mechanical properties of the samples is significantly higher. Visitors are given the opportunity to evaluate the ergonomics of body armor in comparison with the steel samples. When fitting weighty noticeable difference in weight of 1.5 kg on your own shoulders. Representatives of law enforcement agencies can evaluate the new product in the field.

Today unique alloy VST2 in the world are not available. Its implementation will enable to enhance the technical characteristics of the goods the military-industrial sector. Thus production costs will not increase. In addition, new alloy will be a good incentive for producers, pushing for innovative developments.

Another sample of the exhibition stand of VSMPO-Avisma — damping elements of titanium. They provide protection to the FCA (protective and damping housings). These devices are designed for the transportation of goods with increased risk. The main function of such buildings is to ensure the safety of the capsule in the event of a plane crash. Action spherical internal elements is quenching pulse. This decreases the impact load on the main container. First FCA already commissioned and tested in action. It was made transporting nuclear waste liquid from the nuclear power plant in Vietnam.

According to Mikhail Voevodin development can be considered revolutionary. The new alloy can not be used in one aerospace sector. Bribes also light weight, high strength and nice price product.

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