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"Uralelectromed" increase the volume of galvanizing

15 September 2015

For the period January-June 2015 the plant «Uralelectromed», which is part of UGMK, increased by 68.9% dip galvanizing volumes. For 7mesyachny period, the volume of galvanized metal constructions amounted to 19 010 tonnes. Analysts believe that the observed increase is associated with the development of the construction sector. In particular, the demand for these services has risen from road construction and energy industries. Along with this increased number of orders for goods with a weight not exceeding 5 kg. The list includes the corners of the plate and used in support of electric mains. As the demand for the console that apply when laying cables. These products are subject to automatic processing in the galvanizing line of small sized samples. The operation of the line was launched in 2012. Anticipated production galvanized parts up to 150 tons.

Line automatic galvanizing small parts located in the department of hot-dip galvanizing. It is an automated hanging closed conveyor. The workpieces are several successive stages. Initially, the surface of metal products with rust is removed. This step is a mechanical cleaning is done by shot blasting chamber. Next consistently made ​​washing, fluxing, drying, galvanizing. Then part is cooled and removed from the conveyor. Dimensions baths are 7×1,2×2,3 m. The main products for the orders are elements of the road construction sector, metal construction of transmission line poles. A large part falls on the line of contact networks.

A method of hot-dip galvanizing was mastered by specialists of «Uralelectromed» in 2005. The main advantage of the method — the use of high-purity zinc. One of the main suppliers of quality raw materials is the Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant. Also among the regular suppliers of the company JSC «Electrozink». It is a part of UMMC. The technique of hot dip galvanizing, designed to «Uralelectromed», has been approved by Lloyd Register Quality Assurance. In particular, the company was considering product conformity to ISO 9001: 2000.

Another new technique mastered by specialists of the plant — production of high-purity copper sulfate. Sources is concentrated sulfuric acid and copper granules. After commissioning of the new line production of copper sulphate in the current year will increase significantly. The increase of 20% relative to the indicators of 2014, reaching 38 000 tonnes from 30 800 tonnes.

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