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Nickel consumption exceeds production

31 August 2015

During the first half of 2015 the global consumption of nickel has exceeded its production. Superiority in the undeniable demand. In January-July the metal deficit reached the level of 28 thousand tons. According to statistics in 2014 WBMS nickel surplus reached 196.1 thousand tons. Statistics indicate a higher level of reserves LMEna the end of June compared to the data in 2014. As for the production, for 6 months its volume reached 908.1 thousand. Tonnes. This indicator exceeds the same period of 2014 by 66.4 thousand. Tonnes. The volume exported from Indonesia nickel ore decreased significantly due to the ban of the authorities. Accordingly, productivity fell and mines.

In Russia, for 6 months of receipt of raw nickel fell by 2.4% compared to the same period last year. Only for July production of raw metals declined by 1.6% in annual terms. However, compared to the June growth rate was 5.7%.

Volumes of production of refined nickel plague 6mesyachny for the period reached a level of 791,000 tonnes. Global nickel production in June amounted to 167.2 thous. Tons. In Japan, the production volume in January-June increased sharply relative to the end of last year. Demand for refined nickel in January-June of this year reached 919 000 tonnes. In June, the volume of consumption reached 198,000 tons. A little higher there was a demand from Japan — 2.4 tons -. 6 months of 2015 compared with the results of 2014. World nickel consumption for the 6 months of the year relative to 2014 increased by 61 000 tonnes.

This Macquarie analysts previously forecast a surplus of nickel on the global market of 15 000 tonnes. However, in this matter it has an adjustment has been made. Previous analysis indicated the metal deficit of 30 000 tonnes. On expectations of experts Macquarie nickel cost will not exceed 15−17 thousand. USD / ton by the end of the year. It is necessary to take into account the drop in demand for the same stainless steel. In its manufacture the nickel. Consumption of stainless steel, so as to increase by only 2.4%, although earlier projections indicate growth of 4%.

Indonesian ban affecting concentrates and ores of nonferrous metals, influenced the production of Chinese nickel pig iron. For the period January-June 2015 production in China fell by 22%. Global same indicators increased by 6%. In 2016, Macquarie experts predict a shortage of metal with an increase in consumer demand.

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