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On the Day of Russia

11 June 2015

Today we celebrate Russia Day, a national holiday, which arose in 1994. However, until 2002, he wore a different name — Day of Declaration of State Sovereignty of the RSFSR. It is very twisty and long name, so abbreviated it was called Independence Day. I must say, this kind of celebration rather familiar to many countries. After all, this national holiday, which marks the foundation of the state, or the separation of the country, or the end of the occupation. It is the embodiment of democratic ideas, demonstration of social responsibility and justice.

Decree on the award of the holiday «state» status was signed in 1994. It was June 12 in addition to the Russian anniversary gained its first president, so we can consider this day as a holiday twice. However, people do not recognize it in a hurry. How different traditional holidays, New Year or Christmas. Traditionally, the usual meal. Here — just legalized the output of which some even managed to forget. And they went to work as usual.

And then the President proposed to rename the date in the «Day of Russia». On the first day of February 2002 the new name was approved. Gradually, people began to accept the date as a real holiday. Why not? Moreover, the state efforts to promote the Day of Russia, arranging concerts, parades and fireworks, event, open to all residents of the country.

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