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Alcoa will take part in the creation of smartphones

15 June 2015

In any case, the experts of the American company if they do not have a hand in the development of mobile technology, it will become suppliers of ductile aluminum alloy. Primordial its purpose — the aerospace sector. Samsung is going to use the alloy for the production of new smartphones and S6 Edge Galaxy S6. For Samsung the use of aluminum alloy for the production of Galaxy S flagship buildings is new, but certainly worthwhile. After «6013 Alcoa Power Plate TM» compared with a conventional aluminum is used for the manufacture of mobile technology, stronger by 70%. The end result was the replacement of design with a distinct elegance and ease.

DJ. Koch, who is CTO and executive vice president of one of the divisions of Samsung Electronics, shared his views on the alloy. When designing buildings for the S6 Edge Galaxy S6 and the main emphasis was placed on enhanced strength and light weight design. The new device was to immediately call the enthusiastic reaction of the potential buyer. Aluminum alloy from Alcoa perfectly fit into the solution of the problem.

Experts believe that the presence of the new building will significantly increase production of smartphones. For two years — from 2014 to 2016 — will grow by about 250%. At the same time it will increase and consumption of aluminum used for the protection of mobile equipment. Such devices must effectively combine corrosion resistance and high strength, providing exceptional durability phone. Developed by scientists Alcoa alloy «6013 Alcoa Power Plate TM» meets all the conditions.

Ray Kilmer, Acting Chief Technical Director of the company and Vice President Alcoa, confident in the quality of the new material. After all, it has been tested in the automotive, aviation and defense sectors. He held the application demonstrates the ability to use in harsh environments typical of mobile devices. According to Kilmer Samsung specialists set themselves the task of creating a thin and light device with a high safety margin. The joint solution found by experts Alcoa and the Samsung, Galaxy lineup has provided perhaps the most durable and long lasting aluminum housing from all available in the market.

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