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Sayan and Khakas aluminum smelters are preparing to merge

11 May 2015

Corporation «Rusal», which is the sole shareholder of the Khakas and Sayan aluminum industries, plans to combine the two plants into one. Form of reorganization involves accession to Khakas plant SAZU. According to reports published saz, a statement about the beginning of the merger, subject to subsequent entry in the Unified will be sent to 13 May 2015. Data on the timing of the end of the restructuring were not disclosed. Earlier Anton Savchenko, managing director Sayan plant, said that according to preliminary estimates the process could take 2−3 months. The decision on reorganization is not unexpected news. Khakassia venture consisting of 336 electrolytic cells, is actually the second stage of the Sayan Aluminum Plant.

Corporation «Rusal» plans from 2014 to 2016 to invest in the Sayanogorsk Aluminium Smelter 45 million. USD. Investments will focus on improving the foundry. Mainly affect the modernization of equipment. According to Anton Savchenko, it will be installed equipment Italian, French, Spanish and American companies. Thus, the company plans to expand its product range and improve product quality. Last year, about 30 million. USD have been disbursed.

Another project, affecting the expansion of the Sayanogorsk smelter capacity, provides for the construction of a new steel plant in Khakassia. According to Viktor Zimin, Head of the Republic of Khakassia, the planned project will unite the energy and metallurgy. Construction of the new enterprise will allow to use 100% power Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP. Revenue in the budget is expected to be 10 billion. RUB. Another plus — providing 1,500 jobs.

In refinements press secretary Olga Kolesnikova project involves doubling the production capacity of the Sayanogorsk aluminum plant. According to preliminary estimates of aluminum production will be backfilled to 537 000 tonnes / year. Now SAZ power annually produce 542,000 tons of aluminum.

Despite the clarification provided by the head of Khakassia, the press-service of «Rusal» says nothing more certain. In consideration of the company's new long-term projects are reviewed constantly to increase production efficiency, but no specific areas are not talking.

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