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UMMC specialists have received a government award

13 April 2015

The Russian government has awarded a team of specialists of the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company in the field of science and technology. Order on for the 2014 award of the prize was published in late February 2015. Awards awarded a project aimed at the development and implementation of resource-saving industrial equipment and complex technologies for recycling ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy. During this process the extraction of tin, copper, zinc, iron and lead in commercial products. According to Andrei Panshina, technical director of the company, such a complicated project provides an opportunity to confirm the competence and solvency. In addition, the solution will open up new opportunities for the national economy and industry.

UMMC specialists concerned with the processing dust containing lead and zinc in 2004, when the company joined the «Electrozink.» The zinc industry there is a shortage of raw materials. In the copper sector, there was an excess of dust containing zinc. The original technology for the processing of dust was tested in the laboratory «Uralelectromed» research center. At the same time conducted experimental work in Vladikavkaz. After conducting research hydrometallurgical scheme was created to melt in the converter dust. It included high-revision. In 2006, the «Electrozinc» created a workshop that focuses on the processing of removing the dust with zinc carbonate and lead. Today lead obtained by this technology provides a 20% yield of the enterprise.

Further work on the improvement of technology moved to Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant. There was created a diagram used for dust blast smelting. It was the primary pyrometallurgical treatment, followed by a hydrometallurgical finalization. Thus obtained lead and zinc sulfate. CZP year accounted for 17 000 tonnes of recycled dust. The volume of the extracted zinc at the same time make 9000 tons of lead — 10 thousand tons. In general, the new technology allows «Electrozink» recycle 42,000 tonnes of dust per year. At the same time it does not stop improving. Today CZP sets a new heavy-duty oven. It will be modified existing processes.

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