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Sredneuralsky smelter refines equipment

16 December 2014

On SUMZ, which is a part of UMMC metallurgical complex, completed the process of commissioning a high-voltage dynamic voltage distortion compensator. Capacity of the new equipment is nominally 10 000 kVA, while the compensation — 2.5 seconds. The work of the new unit makes it possible to eliminate long downtimes resulting from a short-term decrease in voltage. Previously, voltage fluctuations were the cause of tripping equipment. Stopping the process lasted from 45 minutes to 4 hours. The cost of the project amounted to about 240 mln. RUB. The main feature of the machine is to use capacitors, equipped with an electric double layer. These capacitors provide fast charge and discharge. According to Maxim sweet, Sredneuralsky chief engineer of the plant, the equipment necessary for the production. Even with the reduced line voltage, it allows continuous operation of the turbocharger «Cooper». This, in turn, prevents load drop melting aggregates.

Japanese technology during project implementation and made some very noticeable changes in technology management. Modernization of the equipment allows the use of energy storage capacity, not only to compensate for voltage drops. This allows you to run at the oxygen plant turbocharger without stopping the other equipment, as it was previously using two transformers.

In July, the SAZ specialists completed the construction of CHP. Its capacity is 21.5 MW. The investments in the project amounted to about 1 billion. RUB. The main purpose of the construction of thermal power station is to provide businesses a reliable constant power supply. Also private purposes will significantly reduce the cost of heating companies and the purchase of energy. Work on the reconstruction of existing networks at the factory were made to ensure the planned capacity. Installed gas-piston units in an amount of 5 pieces are provided with a unique automated control system. It controls all the parameters and functions of the equipment to ensure the efficiency and reliability with the convenience and simplicity. This project was carried out under the scheme vot contact. It involves the construction of CHP investment funds with a further lease of the object now at the time, providing the investor return. After that, the object moves in the full ownership of the organization.

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