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Khakas aluminum plant collects orders

4 November 2014

The first commercial batch of alloys produced Khakas aluminum smelter, which is part of the corporation «Rusal», was released just a few months ago. However, already today the company steelmakers have received about 30 applications for new products by customers from the USA, Japan, France, Germany, South Korea, Czech Republic, Poland, Italy and other countries. According to Anton Savchenko, Director General of the Khakas plant, the primary objective of the company is to take note of and execution of orders and customer requirements, consuming products smelter. After experts considered the received application specification was created 26, aimed at the production of casting alloys for customers. Virtually all customers were satisfied with the quality of test samples, and today being the production of test batches. After HAZ modernize second foundry unit — and it will happen in December this year — will be opened serial production.

This spring haz already worked with casting alloys for the automotive industry — that the initial production lot was released during this period. Prior to this, the company engaged exclusively release of aluminum grade A85 and A8, so that the transition to production of a marketable product on the market became possible only after a significant improvement of foundry plant. By the end of this year, metallurgists planned to produce more than 11 thousand tons of alloys, after the modernization of this figure could increase to more than 5 times that in the year will amount to about 60 000 tonnes.

Meanwhile, and Volgograd aluminum plant, part of the Corporation «Rusal», all concerned with finding new customers, expanding the range of attraction for their products. In particular, among the new clients of the company are Greek and Italian manufacturers of decorative and building profiles made from aluminum alloys. For the Turkish customer was the Volgograd specialists made a trial batch of alloys electrical brands, has a low content of impurities. Not so long ago was in the Volgograd plant pretty poor condition, but thanks to the intervention of «Rusal» not only successfully operating, and improving processes, allows us to develop and produce brand new competitive products.

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