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«Novelis» increases the cost of production

18 August 2014

One of the world's leading aluminum rolled products company «Novelis», announced the increase of cost of automobile sheet and special products made of light metal in North America. The revised rates will be used for new orders, but rather already committed orders recalculation will not be made and their cost will remain the same. In the area of ​​automotive production cost of the goods from the alloy 6000 series will be increased by 0,06 USD / pound, and the price increase is similar to automotive alloys 5000 series Special products made from alloys of the series 1000 and 3000, increases of 0,05 USD / pound cost series production of 5000 will increase by 0,03 USD / pound. And will change the price of alloys of the series 6061, increased by 0,03 USD / pound. The increase in prices in this area is established as a supplement to the January of this year, the pricing adjustments.

Representatives «Novelis» also talk about the progress of the promised earlier production capacity and expanding production in the North American region. At the moment there are processes operating on two new cars finishing lines in Oswego (New York). Completion of work on the construction of a third line is planned for the near future that will give «Novelis» the opportunity to build regional production capacity to the level of 360 thousand tons / year. After commissioning, the expected finishing lines Nachterstedt, Germany, and Changzhou, China, by the end of next year promise to achieve maximum power level of the volume of 900 thousand tons / year.

Company «Phinergy» and «Alcoa» also does not stand still — their partnership will successfully develop new technologies, at the moment is working on the production of aluminum-air batteries with their further use in the electric transport. In case of successful outcome the radius of action of electric vehicles will increase more than 3 times. The design model of the new aluminum battery makes it possible to make an electric car run over a distance of 1,100 miles on a single charge. Another advantage of the new model — small weight compared to lithium-ion battery with a liquid filling. Battery consists of a balanced mix of air, aluminum and zinc. In operation, the model uses the energy in the water formed by the reaction of aluminum and oxygen, the catalyst is silver.

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