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Gai GOK: made modernization of production

14 May 2014

Currently GOK Gaisky conducted work aimed at the modernization of enterprise resource complex, and in mining and processing plant within the project acquired a new mining technology equipment. In particular, the drilling rig «Simba-M 4C», produced by the Swedish company «Atlas Copco», and fuel tanker «Uni 50−4» from the German company «Berghaus». The cost of equipment is about 70 million rubles.

Drilling hydraulic system «Simba-4C M», equipped with a hammer, the fan is designed for drilling of clearing holes in the mountain underground openings with a diameter of 102−105 mm. According to preliminary estimates of the performance of the unit will be 80−100 linear meters per shift. This setting provides a sufficient safety and comfort of the operator, the control circuit provides a system of early detection of possible failures that brings occurs downtime to a minimum. Purchase installation was planned to meet the growing volumes of produced products.

Tankers «Uni 50−4» is designed for transportation of fuels and lubricants on the ground point to the surface and is equipped with three tanks, which are designed for the movement of diesel fuel and motor oil. Total capacity of the tanker is 8 tons, of which diesel fuel is provided under 5 tons. This year the company plans to get into operation 20 units of equipment, main and auxiliary, and the amount of funding calculated on the modernization and replacement of technical equipment in addition to the construction work will be about 500 million rubles. In 2014, the leadership of Ai GOK ore mining planned in the amount of 5.8 mln. Tons, which is more than last year to 200 thousand. Tonnes.

Also in 2014 Gai GOK plans to spend about 25.3 million rubles. exploration activities including the drilling of exploratory wells, development of search routes, processing of the materials and so on. 7.8 million rubles will be spent on underground development. Planned works are carried out in seven fields, among which four copper-pyrite — Summer, Autumn, Ai, and Levoberezhnoe, two gold — South Kirov and Kamenskoe and limestone North Iriklinskaya field.

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