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Non-ferrous metals: production in 2013

23 February 2014

As shown by data from analysts at the end of 2013 -. 2014gg beginning in Japan copper production decreased by 3.2% (1.468 million tons), lead production fell by 0.4% (208 114 tons), but zinc smelting at it increased by 2.8% (587 291 tonnes), having reached a record over the past five years due to increased demand for galvanized in the construction industry and the automotive industry. Accordingly, with the increase in domestic demand of zinc exports fell. However, it should be borne in mind that the level of performance of the company «Toho Zinc» Zinc production in 2012 quite strongly influenced by temporary stoppage of work, as increased electricity prices; so the figures for 2013 are much higher than the previous year's data.

The December data show that in late 2013 zinc production continued to grow and increased by 1.2% to APPG (54,309 tons), however, shipments decreased by 7.4% (47,521 tonnes).

Copper demand is gradually increasing since last fall, but until that time the situation was quite deplorable. Also on the smelting of copper negative impact declining quality of ore. Affected and planned repairs at Japan's factories, which reduced smelting to 107,016 tonnes in November 2013 December 2013 marked the beginning of the positive dynamics — this month, zinc production increased by 2.3% (132 489 tonnes), the shipment decreased by 4, 3%, which amounted to 111 913 tonnes.

Despite the high demand for the manufacture of lead batteries, problems with raw materials for manufacturers remain relevant as companies suppliers raise value of the product for their own needs. The December figures for lead production increased by 3.2%, amounting to 18,628 tons, prior to shipment, it is already the 8th month in a row its performance growing by 6.3% (16,415 tonnes).

According to data provided by ITAR-TASS, in Transbaikalia lead production in 2013 also increased; in addition, increased performance and for production of tungsten, antimony and zinc. The highest rate in the zinc concentrate, the annual amount of product produced was 7.2 million tons, which is by 42% more than last year. Production of antimony concentrate in 2013 increased by 36%, which ultimately amounted to 246 tons — such indicators achieved «Zabaikal'skii mine.» A «New Shirokinskoye mine» increased production of zinc and lead concentrate at 12%, as a result of the volume of production reached 28,700 tons.

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