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copper abundance

10 December 2013

At the end of this year, the event something unexpected happened, the first time over the past few months from the beginning of the year proposals for the supply of copper exceeded the demand for this type of product on the market of copper products. By the end of November, according to experts the production of the material has exceeded 1.8 million tons, while the implement was only 1, 79 million tons of this commodity products. This trend has provoked the formation of non-ferrous metals on the market for about twenty-one tons of excess material is important. Moreover, a similar phenomenon was observed for the first time experts in recent months.

Earlier on the metal exchange is constantly observed the lack of a unique material. Because copper is very popular both in the form of finished products, and as part of complex structural alloys. Therefore, the demand for raw materials with a set of high performance and unique operating parameters are constantly increasing. At the beginning of this year, the deficit of copper products amounted to about forty-five thousand tons. Although for the sake of objectivity, it should be noted that in the same period, the deficit of the material was much higher than last year. The difference between the two calculated intervals of nearly 520 tons.

Therefore, reducing the copper shortage and excess material approaching the level of production it was quite clearly seen for a long time. After all, the gap between supply and demand in the metal market of this product is constantly declining. Now is the critical moment, when the production is still to get ahead and will exceed demand. The main participants of such a rapid development of capacities in the manufacture of copper products steel as China and Brazil, together with some African countries.

In Chile, which has for many years been a leader in the production of copper, on the contrary, such a release of goods fell slightly. The same decline was observed in India, Japan and the Scandinavian countries.

The current situation on the copper market are concerned not only producing countries, but also international organizations (ICSG), designed to regulate the issue. Therefore, the tradition has been holding seminars and forums where stakeholders can discuss the main problems of the industry and to offer a way out of the crisis coming. These workshops provide an opportunity not only to suppliers and consumers to communicate with each other, but also to identify their problems to government representatives.

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