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JSC AMMC resumes construction work on the copper Kalmakyr career

14 October 2013

As reported in last Friday, the enterprises of JSC «Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Plant» (located in the Tashkent region), recently — after some changes in terms of technology — again started the construction of a crushing and conveyor complex at Copper «Kalmakyr» career.

Earlier it was reported that the spring of 2013 JSC «Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Plant» has suspended tenders for the purchase of equipment and components for the new complex by the need to refine and revise project plans. After making certain changes to the complex power has been increased by almost a third (to 30 mln. Tons of ore per year). However, the initial cost of the project remained unchanged and amounted to 89 million. Dollars.

According to the company, now there are civil works and resumed purchases of machinery and equipment for the construction of a crushing and conveyor complex. Planned implementation period of the project is two years.

At the moment, construction is financed by the credit line granted by the Fund for Reconstruction and Development of Uzbekistan, totaling 45 million. Dollars, and at their own expense of «Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Plant».

The construction of a crushing and conveyor complex due to the need to expand copper deposits «Kalmakyr» — the main raw material base of the enterprise. It is known that the mine for its value refers to the ten largest copper mining companies in the world and is considered to be the largest mining company in the CIS.

Recall that today Almalyk MMC — is the only company that produces copper in Uzbekistan. The plant has been producing refined copper (cathodes), lead concentrate, zinc metal and other products from the segment of non-ferrous metallurgy. In addition, «Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Plant» produces about 90% silver and 20% gold in the country.

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