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On the world market there is copper deficiency

24 October 2013

As the statistics «International Copper Study Group», in July this year formed refined copper deficit in the amount of 151 thous. Tons in the global metals markets. In general, the first half of 2013, for the metal was oversubscribed by 93 thous. Tons, while in the first half of 2012 the figure was 552 thousand. Tonnes.

Recall that the experts of «Deutsche Bank» previously expressed the view that the copper (and with this resource — lead and zinc) may be in the foreseeable future become the most vulnerable elements in the chain of industrially important non-ferrous metals. According to experts, the prices are the most exposed to the risk reduction due to the fact that these resources are currently traded at a premium to the marginal cost of production. Among other things, the growth of volumes of ore deliveries from the fields, improvement in scrap of non-ferrous metals, as well as the possible increase in the volume of Chinese smelting of refined copper may lead to a weakening of the position of the raw commodity market in the near future — before the end of this year.

At the same time, it was reported recently that some countries have already taken steps to align with the lack of balance in the copper market. In particular, according to the statistics of Japanese college copper market operators — «Japan Copper and Brass Association» — production volumes of refined copper and copper products, including pipe and sheet, in September 2013, in the Land of the Rising Sun has increased in comparison with August 2013 4.5%. While still in the spring of the situation in the state was different: in comparison with May 2012, the red metal production here fell by 2.5% in May 2013.

As for China, even in this country, according to experts «Beijing Antaike Information Development», copper manufacturers intensified. In the Middle Kingdom to the end of the year the average monthly issue of the red metal will reach a record high — 560 tons… At the end of the first eight months of 2013 the average monthly production volume of Chinese copper was 534.11 thousand. Tons. In the Asian press recently was information that in September 2013, China has increased by 18% of import volumes into its territory of raw copper, resulting in the amount of data supply in the country reached the level of 457.85 thousand. Tons.

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