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On the Kola Peninsula modernized nickel electrolysis plant pumping stations

21 October 2013

On the Kola Peninsula, which is a subsidiary of MMC «Norilsk Nickel», have been the modernization of pumping stations that supply water to its key business units. In the course of improving the equipment received an innovative automated (ACS) control. Water supplied data pumping stations, is water recycling plant needs electrolysis nickel refining plant and energy plant.

Until recently, the management of pumping stations are made exclusively in manual mode, but this results in excessive discharge of water into the sewage system in the event of insufficient load on the network and another for a number of reasons. After these releases, depending on the workload of the system, in it there is a significant lack of water, which compensate for the additional fence of the natural natural source.

The introduction of the new automated system will entail synchronization of the pumps that significantly reduce the volume of wastewater discharge from the system and minimizes the additional fresh water intake. Among other things, it will be increased pumping equipment reliability work in parallel with a significant reduction in the probability of occurrence of force majeure when operating equipment. According to experts, after the economic effect of implementation of the project can be estimated at 4 million. Rubles per year.

Recall that MMC «Norilsk Nickel» is by far the world's largest producer of nickel, copper and platinum. Among the by-products of the holding metals such as rhodium, silver, gold, cobalt, ruthenium, selenium, iridium, tellurium and sulfur. Among the main activities of the company — prospecting, exploration, extraction, processing and refining of base and precious metals. The key production units of MMC «Norilsk Nickel» are located in Russia, South Africa, Australia, Finland and Botswana.

Kola MMC is one of the main Russian production units «Norilsk Nickel». The company is engaged in the development of such fields as Zapolyarnoe, Zhdanov, and Semiletka Kotselvaara, which produces a variety of minerals, the key of which — ore with nickel and copper.

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