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Sverdlovsk region and Vietnam agreed on joint production of titanium ore

24 June 2013

At the end of last week held talks Deputy Prime Minister of the Sverdlovsk region Alexander Petrov and First Secretary of the Regional Committee of the CPV Vietnamese province of Ha Tinh — Nguyen Thanh Bina. At the meeting, in particular, agreements were reached on the start of cooperation between the parties in the manufacturing and mining industries with a focus on raw materials for titanium production.

As stated by sources in the leadership of the Sverdlovsk region, the visit of the representatives of Viet Nam to the Urals took place in the framework of agreements concluded in negotiations Denis Paslera (Prime Minister of the region), and Hoang Trung Hai (Vice Prime Minister of Vietnam), held in October 2012. Last year, delegates agreed about the active development of cooperation between the parties. Chairman of the regional government discussed the prospects of establishing an international collaborative group in Vietnam for the extraction and processing of titanium ore. To date, the region's leading corporation — «VSMPO-Avisma» — uses this resource in the production of its own products, purchasing it from multiple vendors (including — in Vietnamese production companies).

The representative of the province of Ha Tinh Nguyen Thanh Binh once again pointed to the increased interest in the Vietnamese leadership to the joint production of titanium raw materials in his region. «Nedra province of Ha Tinh abundant iron ore, manganese, titanium and other minerals, production of which will be beneficial to both countries," — he said in an interview with reporters. «In addition, we plan to use the scientific base of the Ural Mining Institute for the training of high level professionals to work effectively in the mining industry» — described the prospects for cooperation between representatives from the Vietnamese side.

In addition to the above events, the visit of the delegation from Vietnam to Russia, the parties were supporting the idea of ​​Andrew Besedin, the incumbent President of the Ural Chamber of Commerce, the development of the current information exchange between countries. By order of the Deputy Prime Minister, Sverdlovsk region will formulate their proposals and make them to the Vietnamese party, through its representative offices in Yekaterinburg and Moscow.

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