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Aluminium exports from Russia fell by 4% in the first quarter of 2013

11 June 2013

The Federal Customs Service of Russia announced the reduction of aluminum exports from the country in the first quarter of 2013. According to the data presented by the Office, in comparison with January-April 2012 the volume of foreign metal supply in the current year decreased by more than 4% (1.162 million tonnes in absolute terms.), While the figure in monetary terms declined even more — nearly 7%.

Despite the overall negative trend for the export of aluminum metal exports to CIS countries increased in the reporting period: the rate (relative to last year's data for the same time) has increased more than one and a half times (from 20 thousand tons to 32.7 thousand tons.) and income from transactions with companies from the CIS countries in the first 4 months of this year amounted to 80.6 million. dollars. «Unfortunately, the share of these sales is not great and is only about a third of Russia's total exports," commented FCS data analysts non-ferrous metals market.

To date, the aluminum industry in Russia is going through a difficult period. However, according to some expert opinions, in the foreseeable future the situation should change for the better. For example, analysts «Commerzbank» claim that since a substantial reduction of global aluminum output, the price for 1 ton of metal should increase. In particular, the representatives of Germany's most famous banking group say: «The main market suppliers» dump momentum. «Recently, it was reported that production of aluminum has reduced China. A few weeks earlier it lowered the rate of release of the market leader — the company «Rusal». Most likely, for the final balancing of the situation in the non-ferrous metals market, these measures will not be enough, however, the aluminum sector operators intention to balance the proportion of the supply and consumption there. Consequently, we can expect a further reduction in production «winged metal» in the medium term, making its stock prices will gain the necessary support. «

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