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Kolyma region can become a place of production of copper, zinc, lead, cadmium and silver

26 April 2013

In one of the districts of the Far North — in the Magadan region of the Russian Federation — in the foreseeable future could begin production of precious and non-ferrous metals: silver, zinc, copper, lead and cadmium. The local Department of Natural Resources proposed to include copper-molybdenum-porphyry ore occurrence Kunarevskoe and Oroekskoe deposit of copper schists in the list of objects for a detailed study of the subsoil, followed by mining above.

According to representatives of the Magadan Region, the preliminary soil investigation Kunarevskogo ore field Administration (Uyandina River-Yasachnensky volcanogenic belt) showed a high prospect area: in its interior contains about 1.3 million tons of copper and 600 tons of lead… Also located on site has decent ore reserves of zinc and silver.

No less attractive and the second of the above-mentioned objects — Oroekskoe field (right bank of the Kolyma River, downstream from its tributary Oroek), conceals about 5 million tons of «red metal» and about 5 thousand tons of silver… A large portion of ore is available for the open method of production, which makes the process of extracting the resources on the site more profitable.

The administration of the region believes that the presence of so many resources — enough for an excuse to start the active development of underground storage in the Kolyma region. However, these stocks are not limited to the region's treasure trove. «Noteworthy field Olcha and Chepak, as well as near the village of capercaillie site that can give mining companies is not less than 32 tonnes of gold ore» — outlined the prospects of Vladimir Baked, performing the functions of the governor of the Magadan Region. «In addition, the district will be interesting Srednekan industrialists presence in the depths of the tin; and here lie considerable reserves of brown coal «- complements the list Suranova Elena — Head of the regional administration of natural resources.

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