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Alloy МЛ22


Name The value
Designation GOST Cyrillic МЛ22
Designation GOST Latin ML22
Transliteration ML22
The chemical elements CuЛ22


Alloy МЛ22 used: for the manufacture of various shaped precise casting parts of aviation methods of sand casting, shell mold, gravity die casting, investment casting and plaster mold.


Name Code Standards
Thermal and thermochemical treatment of metals В04 OST 1 90121-90

Technological properties

Name The value
Features of heat treatment According to OST 1 90121-90 to improve the mechanical properties (σв, σ0,2) castings in sand and chill casting, shell mold and the plaster mold, investment casting applied heat treatment by mode T6 - Heat to 400±5 °C (extract 3 hours), heating to 450±5 °C (extract 10-16 hours), quenching in air + Aging at 130±5 °C (extract 48 h), air cooling. In this case the plastic properties decrease. A noticeable increase in the values of σв, σ0,2 is achieved in the hardening of the casting by blowing air. To maximize the mechanical properties of the alloy (σв, σ0,2) mode is applied Kzt61 - Quenching in warm water (80-90 °C) with 450±5 °C (Stepwise heating to 400±5 °C (extract 3 hours), heating to 450±5 °C (speed of 10-16 h)) + Aging at 130±5 °C (extract 48 h), air cooling.

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