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Bronze БрО8С21 (БрОС8-21)


Name The value
Designation GOST Cyrillic БрО8С21
Designation GOST Latin BpO8C21
Transliteration BrO8S21
The chemical elements BaSn8Pb21
Name The value
Designation GOST Cyrillic БрОС8-21
Designation GOST Latin BpOC8-21
Transliteration BrOS8-21
The chemical elements BaSnPb8-21


Bronze БрО8С21 used: for the manufacture of castings for critical bearings, operating at high pressure; castings parts metallurgical machinery (large bearings heavy mill, crushers and other parts subject to friction at high pressures and speeds); conical and cylindrical bushings in export performance.


Vysokohromistyh bronze. The coefficient of friction of bronze without lubrication of 0.10, with a lubricant is 0.005. The maximum allowable speed — 10 m/s.


Name Code Standards
Non-ferrous metals, including rare metals, and their alloys В51 STP М314-95

Chemical composition

Standard P Si Ni Fe Cu As Al Zn Sn Sb Pb Bi Mg
STP М314-95 ≤0.05 ≤0.02 ≤2 ≤0.2 The rest ≤0.01 ≤0.02 ≤2 7-9 ≤0.5 19-23 ≤0.005 ≤0.02
Cu is the basis.
By STP M314-95, the total content of impurities should be ≤ 0.75%. The content of zinc and nickel is allowed due to the copper content.

Mechanical characteristics

σB, MPa d5, % kJ/m2, кДж/м2
Castings are supplied without heat treatment
≥147 ≥5 ≥40

Description mechanical marks

Name Description
σB Limit short-term strength
d5 Elongation after rupture
kJ/m2 Toughness

Physical characteristics

Temperature r, кг/м3
20 9300

A description of the physical symbols

Name Description
l Coefficient of thermal conductivity
R UD. the resistivity

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