GOST 31443-2012
GOST 31443−2012 Steel pipes for field pipelines. Technical specifications
GOST 31443−2012
Technical specifications
Steel pipes for crafts pipelines. Specifications
ISS 77.140.01
Date of implementation 2014−01−01
The objectives, basic principles and basic procedure for conducting work on interstate standardization are established in GOST 1.0−92 «Interstate Standardization System: Basic Provisions» and GOST 1.2−2009 «Interstate Standardization System: Interstate Standards, Rules and Recommendations for Interstate Standardization.» The rules for the development, adoption, application, update and cancellation «
About the standard
1 PREPARED by the Technical Committee for Standardization of TC 357 «Steel and Cast Iron Pipes and Cylinders», Open Joint Stock Company «Russian Research Institute of Pipe Industry» (OJSC «RosNITI»)
2 was introduced by the Technical Committee for Standardization of TC 357 «Steel and Cast Iron Pipes and Cylinders"
3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Minutes No. 49 of 15 March 2012)
For the adoption voted:
The country’s short name for the MK (ISO 3166) 004−97 | Country code for MK (ISO 3166) 004−97 |
Abbreviated name of the national standardization body |
Azerbaijan | AZ |
Azstandart |
Belarus | BY |
State Standard of the Republic of Belarus |
Kazakhstan | KZ |
State Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
Kyrgyzstan | KG |
Kyrgyzstandart |
Russia | EN |
Rosstandart |
4 This standard was prepared on the basis of the application of the national standard of the Russian Federation GOST R 53580−2009 «Steel Pipes for Commercial Pipelines.» Specifications «
5 By order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology of June 5, 2013, No. 141-st interstate standard GOST 31443−2012 was put into effect as a national standard of the Russian Federation from January 1, 2014.
Information on changes to this standard is published in the annual information index «National Standards», and the text of amendments and amendments is published in the monthly information index «National Standards». In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, a corresponding notice will be published in the monthly information index «National Standards». The relevant information, notification and texts are also posted in the public information system — on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet
The present standard takes into account the changes in metallurgical technologies in terms of providing high quality steels for the content of harmful impurities, gases, nonmetallic inclusions, to ensure uniformity of the metal and to reduce liquor heterogeneity, which is the determining indicator of the operational reliability of field pipes used in the oil and gas industry.
This standard introduces a number of new requirements that distinguish it from existing interstate standards, in particular:
— technical requirements for tubular products are reduced to two levels of requirements of UTP1 and UTP2, corresponding to different levels of requirements for chemical composition, mechanical and corrosive properties;
— instead of steel grades, pipe strength classes were introduced;
— Strength class (KP) corresponds to the minimum stress of the beginning of plastic deformation equal to 0.5%.
1 area of use
This standard applies to seamless and welded steel pipes and establishes requirements for pipes for oil and gas field pipelines operated at temperatures up to minus 60 ° C.
2 Determination of conformity
2.1 Units of measurement
In this standard, units of measurements of the international SI system are used.
2.2 Rounding
Unless otherwise specified in this standard, the measured or calculated values must be rounded to the nearest right digit in numbers to determine compliance.
2.3. Compliance with this standard
To ensure compliance with the requirements of this standard, a quality management system should be applied.
The contract may indicate that the responsibility for compliance with all requirements of this standard rests with the manufacturer. The consumer has the right to conduct any studies confirming the manufacturer’s compliance with established requirements, and to reject any material that does not meet these requirements.
3 Normative references
Normative references to the following interstate standards are used in this standard:
GOST 1497−84 (ISO 6892−84) Metals. Methods of tensile testing
GOST 2999−75 Metals and alloys. Method for measuring hardness by Vickers
GOST 3728−78 Pipes. Bending test method
GOST 6996−66 (ISO 4136−89, ISO 5173−81, ISO 5177−81) Welded joints. Methods for determining mechanical properties
GOST 7565−81 (ISO 377−2-89) Cast iron, steel and alloys. Method of sampling for chemical composition determination
GOST 8695−75 Pipes. Flattening test method
GOST 9012−59 (ISO 410−82, ISO 6506−81) Metals. Method for measuring Brinell hardness
GOST 9013−59 (ISO 6508−86) Metals. Method for measuring Rockwell hardness
GOST 9454−78 Metals. Test method for impact bending at low, ambient and elevated temperatures
GOST 10006−80 (ISO 6892−84) Metallic pipes. Tensile test method
GOST ISO 10124−2002 Seamless and welded steel pressure pipes (excluding pipes manufactured by submerged arc welding). Ultrasonic method of control of bundles
_______________On the territory of the Russian Federation, GOST R ISO 10124−99 «Seamless and welded steel pressure pipes (other than pipes manufactured by submerged arc welding).» The ultrasonic method for control of delaminations. «
GOST ISO 10543−2002 Seamless and welded hot-drawn steel pipes. Method of ultrasonic thickness measurement
_______________On the territory of the Russian Federation, GOST R ISO 10543−99 «Pipes, steel, pressureless, seamless and welded hot-rolled.» Method of ultrasonic thickness measurement «.
GOST 10692−80 Pipes steel, cast iron and connecting parts to them. Acceptance, marking, packaging, transportation and storage
Steel alloyed and highly alloyed. Methods for determination of molybdenum
GOST 12359−99 (ISO 4945−77) Carbon steels, alloyed and highly alloyed. Methods for determination of nitrogen
Steel alloys and high alloy. Methods for determination of boron
Steel alloyed and highly alloyed. Methods for determining niobium
GOST 17745−90 Steels and alloys. Methods for determination of gases
GOST 18895−97 Steel. Methods of photoelectric spectral analysis
Carbon steel and cast iron, unalloyed. General requirements for analysis methods
Carbon steel and cast iron, unalloyed. Methods for determination of total carbon and graphite
Carbon steel and cast iron, unalloyed. Methods for determination of sulfur
Carbon steel and cast iron, unalloyed. Methods for determination of phosphorus
Carbon steel and cast iron, unalloyed. Methods for determination of silicon
GOST 22536.5−87 (ISO 629−82) Carbon steel and cast iron, non-alloy. Methods for the determination of manganese
Carbon steel and cast iron, unalloyed. Methods for the determination of chromium
Carbon steel and cast iron, non-alloy. Methods for determination of copper
Carbon steel and cast iron, unalloyed. Methods for the determination of nickel
Carbon steel and cast iron, unalloyed. Methods for determination of aluminum
Carbon steel and cast iron, non-alloy. Methods for determination of titanium
Carbon steel and cast iron, unalloyed. Methods for determination of vanadium
GOST 28473−90 Cast iron, steel, ferroalloys, chromium, manganese, metallic. General requirements for analysis methods
GOST 31458−2012 Steel pipes and pipe products. Documents on acceptance inspection
NOTE — When using this standard, it is advisable to check the operation of reference standards in the public information system — on the official website of the Federal Agency for the Technical Regulation of Metrology on the Internet or on the annual information index «National Standards», published as of January 1 of this year, and on the issues of the monthly information index «National Standards» for the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (modified), then when using this standard should be guided by a replacement (modified) standard. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, then the provision referring to it is applied in the part not affecting this reference.
4 Terms and definitions
In this standard, the following terms are used with the corresponding definitions:
4.1 Seamless pipe; BT: Pipe without weld, obtained by hot forming technology, after which cold rolling or cold finish can be carried out to obtain the desired shape, dimensions and properties.
4.2 condition after rolling: The condition of the pipes on delivery without using any special type of rolling and / or heat treatment.
4.3 Class of pipe strength: The value of the strength level of the pipe.
4.4 Defect: Imperfection of the size or density of the underlying imperfections beyond the acceptance criteria specified in this standard.
4.5. Hardening and tempering: Heat treatment consisting in quench hardening followed by tempering.
4.6 Manufacturer: A firm, company or corporation responsible for manufacturing and marking products in accordance with the requirements of this standard.
NOTE A manufacturer may be a pipe factory or a manufacturing enterprise.
4.7 calibration of the device: Setting the device to conduct non-destructive testing according to the arbitration reference value.
4.8 control: Measurement, examination, testing, weighing or monitoring of one or more product characteristics by a standard and comparing the results with the established requirements for determining compliance.
4.9 controlled lot: The specified number of pipes of one external diameter and one wall thickness, manufactured by the same manufacturing process and under the same production conditions.
4.10 Nondestructive testing: Inspection of pipes to detect imperfections by means of radiography, ultrasonic flaw detection or other method specified in this standard, which does not lead to alteration, loading or destruction of materials.
4.11 imperfection: The non-continuity or inhomogeneity of the wall of the product or its surface, determined by the methods of control under this standard.
4.12 processing company: A firm, company or corporation that operates equipment for heat treatment or finishing of pipes manufactured by a pipe plant.
4.13 Final cold working: Cold working (usually cold drawing) with a permanent deformation of more than 1.5%.
NOTE — It is the amount of residual deformation that distinguishes this operation from cold expansion or cold calibration.
4.14 undercut: A groove melted in the base metal near the edge of the weld face and not filled with weld metal.
4.15. Indication: Data obtained from non-destructive testing.
4.16 Consumer: The party responsible for both the formulation of the requirements in the purchase order and the payment for this order.
4.17 as agreed: To be agreed by the manufacturer and the customer and specified in the purchase order.
4.18 Tack Stitch: Intermittent or continuous weld seam used to align adjacent edges until the final weld is completed.
4.19 Rolling with normalization: Rolling, in which the final deformation is carried out in a certain temperature range, which allows achieving the same material state as after normalization, and the given mechanical properties should be maintained even after the subsequent normalization.
4.20 intermediate strength class: The strength class between the strength classes specified in this standard.
4.21 bundle: An internal stratification in a metal that creates layers, usually parallel to the surface of the pipe.
4.22 Welded pipe: CBS pipe, COSS, COSP, VPN, DSP, DSFS or DPSF.
4.23 CBS pipe: A pipe with one or two longitudinal seams or one spiral seam made by a combination of arc welding with a metal electrode in shielding gas and submerged arc welding, and the weld bead of an arc welding arc with a metal electrode in a shielding gas environment is not completely removed by the welding passages flux.
4.24 COSS pipe: One spiral seam tube made by a combination of arc welding with a metal electrode in a shielding gas environment and arc submerged arc welding, and the weld bead of an arc welding arc with a metal electrode in a shielding gas environment is not completely removed by submerged arc welding passes.
4.25 COSP pipe: A pipe with one or two longitudinal seams made by a combination of arc welding with a metal electrode in a shielding gas environment and submerged arc welding, and the weld bead of an arc welding arc with a metal electrode in a shielding gas environment is not completely removed by submerged arc welding passes.
4.26 VPN pipe: A pipe made by welding with a current of 70 kHz or more.
4.27 DPS pipe: Pipe with one or two longitudinal seams or one spiral seam made by arc welding under a flux.
4.28 DPSS pipe: Pipe with one spiral seam, manufactured by arc welding under a flux.
4.29 DSPP pipe: Pipe with one or two longitudinal seams, manufactured by arc welding under a flux.
4.30 composite pipe (pipe with a ring seam): Two pieces of pipe, connected or welded together by the manufacturer.
4.31 Supply status: Manufacture of pipes with appropriate heat treatment.
4.32 Butt seam of a joint for rolled or sheet products: A welded seam connecting the edges of a roll or sheet metal.
4.33 pipe body: In seamless pipes — the whole pipe; welded pipes — the whole pipe, with the exception of welds and the zone of thermal influence.
4.34 thermomechanical shaping: The procedure for the formation of pipes in the hot state, in which the final deformation is carried out in a certain temperature range, which makes it possible to obtain a material with certain properties that can not be provided or reproduced only by heat treatment; After such deformation, cooling is carried out, sometimes at a higher speed, followed by tempering or without tempering, including self-release.
NOTE — Subsequent heat treatment at temperatures above 580 ° C can lower the strength values.
4.35 Thermomechanical rolling: The procedure for hot rolling of rolled or sheet products, in which the final deformation is performed in a certain temperature range, which allows to obtain a material with certain properties that can not be provided or reproduced only by heat treatment; After such deformation, cooling is carried out, sometimes at a higher speed, followed by tempering or without tempering, including self-release.
NOTE — Subsequent heat treatment at temperatures above 580 ° C can lower the strength values.
4.36 Pipe Plant: A firm, company or corporation that operates pipe manufacturing equipment.
4.37 operating conditions: The conditions of use specified by the customer in the purchase order.
4.38 shaping with normalization: The procedure of forming, in which the final deformation is carried out in a certain temperature range, which allows achieving the same state of the material as after normalization, and the given mechanical properties must be maintained even after the subsequent normalization.
4.39 Chemical composition of the product: The chemical composition of the pipe material, rolled or sheet rolled products.
4.40 cold-expended pipe: A pipe whose external diameter has been increased along the entire length at the operating temperature of the mill by applying internal hydrostatic pressure in closed dies or by means of a mechanical device for internal expansion.
4.41 cold-deformed pipe: A pipe whose outer diameter was finally enlarged or reduced by part of its length or along its entire length at the working temperature of the mill after forming.
4.42 cold forming: The procedure for shaping roll or sheet products into a pipe without heating.
4.43 CBS seam: A longitudinal or spiral seam obtained by a combination of arc welding with a metal electrode in a shielding gas environment and submerged arc welding (the welded seam weld bead is not completely removed by submerged submerged arc welding passes in a shielding gas environment).
4.44 VPN seam: Longitudinal seam obtained by electric welding.
4.45 DPF seam: Longitudinal or spiral seam obtained by arc welding under a flux.
4.46. Welding: The method for obtaining a weld by resistance welding, in which the welded edges are mechanically pressed against each other, and the heat for welding is released due to resistance to applied or induced electric current.
4.47 arc welding with a metal electrode in a protective gas environment: A welding technique in which the melting and joining of metals is carried out by heating them with an electric arc or arcs between the consumable electrode wire and the workpiece, whereby the arc and molten metal are protected by an externally supplied gas or gas mixture.
4.48 Arc Arc Welding: A welding technique in which melting and joining of metals occurs by heating them with an electric arc or arcs between a consumable metal electrode or uncoated electrodes and a workpiece, with the arc and molten metal being protected by a layer of granular flux.
5 Notations and abbreviations
5.1 Notations
The following symbols are used in this standard: — the length of the end seam of rolled or rolled sheets;
— elongation after break, rounded to an integer,%;
— the size of the mandrel for the directional bend test;
— the area of the internal cross-section of the pipe, mm
— cross-sectional area of the pipe wall, mm
— cross-sectional area of the end clamp, mm
— the distance between the plates of the bending press or the supports in the directional bend test;
— carbon equivalent;
— parameter of resistance against cracking;
— estimated internal diameter of the pipe, mm;
— outer diameter of the pipe, mm;
— the outer diameter designated by the manufacturer after deformation, mm;
— the external diameter specified by the manufacturer before deformation, mm;
— frequency, Hz (cycle per second);
— impact work of a full-sized sample with a V-notch (CVN);
— pipe length, m;
— hydrostatic test pressure, MPa;
— internal pressure on the end clamp, MPa;
is the radius;
— the radius of the mandrel for the directional bend test;
— radius of bending press for directional bending test;
— ultimate tensile strength;
— yield point (total elongation 0.5%);
— coefficient of deformation;
— the stress in the circumferential direction for the hydrostatic test;
— thickness of the pipe wall, mm;
— the minimum permissible wall thickness of the pipe, mm;
— transverse velocity of ultrasound propagation, m / s;
— Specified outer diameter of the coupling;
— deformation;
— wavelength;
— the mass per unit length of the tube with smooth ends.
5.2 Abbreviations
The following abbreviations are used in this standard:
VPNS — welding of pipes during the manufacture of high frequency current;
DSFP — submerged arc welding in the process of making pipes with longitudinal seam;
DSFS — submerged arc welding in the process of making pipes with a spiral seam;
COSP is a combined welding method in the process of manufacturing pipes with a longitudinal seam;
COSS — combined welding method in the process of making pipes with a spiral seam;
UTS — the level of requirements for products;
CTOD — opening at the top of a crack;
CVN — V-notch;
EDI — electronic data interchange;
HAZ — zone of thermal influence;
HB — Brinell hardness;
HIC — hydrogen cracking;
HRC — C Rockwell hardness;
HV — Vickers hardness;
IQI — the standard of image quality;
SSC — sulphide stress cracking;
SWC — stepped cracking;
T2, T3 is the type of the X-ray film.
6 Pipe strength classes and delivery status
6.1 Classes of strength of pipes
6.1.1 The strength classes of the FP1 level pipes shall comply with Table 1. The designation of the strength class is a combination of letters and numbers. The strength class identifies the strength level of the pipes and is related to the chemical composition of the steel.
Table 1 — Pipe strength classes and delivery status
USP | Delivery status |
Pipe strength class |
USP1 | In a state after rolling, rolling with normalization, normalization or shaping with normalization | MP 175 |
КП 210 | ||
In a state after rolling, rolling with normalization, thermomechanical rolling, thermomechanical shaping, shaping with normalization, normalization, normalization and tempering or by agreement of quenching and tempering — only for seamless pipes |
KP 245 | |
In the state after rolling, rolling with normalization, thermomechanical rolling, thermomechanical shaping, shaping with normalization, normalization, normalization and tempering or hardening and tempering | KP 290 | |
КП 320 | ||
CP 360 | ||
KP 390 | ||
KP 415 | ||
KP 450 | ||
MP 485 | ||
USP2 |
In a state after rolling |
KP 245 P |
KP 290 P | ||
In a state after rolling with normalization, shaping with normalization, normalization or normalization and tempering | КП 245 Н | |
KP 290 N | ||
КП 320 Н | ||
KP 360 N | ||
KP 390 N | ||
KP415 H | ||
In a state after hardening and tempering |
КП 245 Т | |
KP 290 T | ||
КП 320 Т | ||
KP 360 T | ||
KP 390 T | ||
КП 415 Т | ||
KP 450 T | ||
MP 485 T | ||
KP 555 T | ||
In a state after thermomechanical rolling or thermomechanical shaping | КП 245 М | |
KP 290 M | ||
КП 320 М | ||
KP 360 M | ||
KP 390 M | ||
KP 415 M | ||
KP 450 M | ||
КП 485 М | ||
6.1.2 The strength classes of the TFC2 level pipes shall comply with Table 1. The designation of the strength class is a combination of letters and numbers. The strength class identifies the strength level of the pipes and is related to the chemical composition of the steel. The strength class of the pipe additionally contains the letters P, H, T or M, which indicate the delivery status (Table 3).
NOTE — It is possible to use UTP2 pipes with special requirements given in Appendix D.
6.2 Delivery status
6.2.1 If the specific delivery status is not specified in the purchase order, the delivery status of the TFC1 pipes for each ordered item shall be selected by the manufacturer. The delivery status must meet the requirements of Tables 1 and 3.
6.2.2 In the case of UTP2 pipes, the delivery status must comply with the requirements of the purchase order in terms of strength class.
7 Information to be provided by the consumer
7.1 General Information
The purchase order must contain the following information:
a) quantity (eg total mass or total length of pipes);
b) USP (1 or 2);
c) type of pipe (table 2);
d) the designation of this standard;
e) pipe strength class (6.1 or A.4.1.1, annex A);
e) Outer diameter and wall thickness (;
g) length and type of length (arbitrary or approximate) (,
i) confirmation of the applicability of individual annexes of this standard.
7.2. Additional information
The purchase order must specify which of the following provisions apply to a specific order item:
a) positions that must be agreed without fail, if applicable:
1) intermediate strength classes [Table 1, footnote 2)];
2) chemical composition for pipes of standard and intermediate strength classes (9.2.1, 9.2.2);
3) chemical composition for pipes with wall thickness 25.0 mm (9.2.3);
4) limiting carbon equivalents for UTP2 grade pipes of strength class 415 N (table 5);
5) limiting carbon equivalents for UTP2 level pipes of strength class KP 555 T (table 5);
6) limiting carbon equivalents for seamless UTP2 level pipes with wall thickness 20.0 mm [Table 5, footnote 1)];
7) tolerance for diameter and ovality of ends for seamless pipes with wall thickness 25.0 mm [Table 9, footnote 2)];
b) positions that are applied in the above formulation, unless otherwise agreed:
1) the range of strain coefficients for cold-expended pipes (8.9.2);
2) an equation for determining the strain coefficient (8.9.3);
3) limit values for the chemical composition of UTP1 level pipes (Table 4);
4) limit values for the chemical composition of UTP2 level pipes (table 5);
5) limit deviations of the length of pipes of arbitrary length [, enumeration a)];
6) type of the end face (9.11.3 or 9.11.4);
7) standard tests for impact bending with a V-notch (CVN) (,
8) repair of cold-expansive pipes (B.4.2, annex B);
c) positions that apply if they are agreed upon:
1) delivery status (6.2 and table 1);
2) the supply of seamless UTP1 level pipes for the strength class KP 245 in the state after quenching and tempering (Table 1);
3) supply of pipes of intermediate strength classes [table 2, footnote 1)];
4) the supply of double-seamed DSPP pipes [Table 2, footnote 4)];
5) alternative to the given heat treatment of the seam for pipes of the level of UTP1 (8.8.1);
6) delivery of a pipe of DSFS with butt welds of rolled or rolled products at the ends of pipes (8.10.3);
7) the temperature of the impact bending tests for V-notch samples (CVN) is below 0 ° C (9.8.2 and 9.8.3);
8) impact bending test for V-notch specimens (CVN) from the pipe body for welded UTP2 pipes with outer diameter 508 mm to determine the area of viscous fracture (Table 17);
9) the impact test of the V-notch (CVN) specimens of the longitudinal weld of VPN2 level VPN pipes (9.8.3 and table 17);
10) a special shape of the chamfer (9.11.5);
11) removal of the outer weld bead at the ends of the DSF or CBS pipes [, enumeration e)];
12) weldability or test data (9.14);
13) type of document with monitoring results for UTP1 level pipes (;
14) information on manufacturing of UTP1 level pipes (;
15) an alternative document type with monitoring results for UTP2 level pipes (;
16) use of cross-pieces for tensile testing of seamless pipes that have not undergone cold expansion (Table 19, footnote 3)];
17) application of the tensile test (;
18) application of control alternative to macro-geographical control (;
19) determination of hardness during the production of VPN pipes (;
20) use of the minimum permissible wall thickness for determining the hydrostatic test pressure (;
21) a special method that should be used to determine the diameter of the pipe (;
22) use of internal diameter measurement to determine diameter and ovality for unexpurgated pipes with outside diameter 219 mm [ and table 9, footnote 3)];
23) a special method that should be used to determine other pipe dimensions (;
24) additional marking indicated by the customer (11.1.2);
25) special surfaces or areas for pipe marking [11.2.2, enumeration b) or c), and 11.2.6, enumeration b)];
26) branding pipes embossed or vibrotravleniem (11.2.3);
27) alternative location of pipe marking (11.2.4);
28) alternative location of pipe length marking (11.2.6);
29) color identification of pipes (11.2.7);
30) temporary outer covering (12.2);
31) special coating (12.3);
32) the inner covering (12.4);
33) protocols for nondestructive testing [section 13, enumeration g)];
34) attestation of the pipe manufacturing process — in this case, Annex G shall be used;
35) Nondestructive testing of seamless UTP1 level pipes (D.3.1.2, Appendix D);
36) ultrasonic inspection of welded pipes to identify imperfections such as bundles at the ends of pipes (A.3.2.3, Annex D);
37) ultrasonic inspection of seamless pipes to identify imperfections such as bundles at the ends of pipes (D.3.3.2, annex D);
38) fluoroscopic inspection of welded seams of DSP or butt seams of rolled or sheet products (Table E.1, Appendix D);
39) alternative practice of re-inspection of CBS seams (D.5.5.4, annex D);
40) ultrasonic testing of VPN, DSP or CBS tubes to detect imperfections such as bundles in the body of the pipe (E.8, Appendix D);
41) ultrasonic inspection for detection of imperfections such as delaminations along the edges of roll or sheet rolled products or in welded seams of VPN, DPF or CBS pipes (D.9, Appendix D);
42) UTP2 level pipes for operation in an acidic environment (Appendix A);
43) ultrasonic testing of rolled and sheet products to identify delaminations or mechanical damage (A., Annex A);
44) supply and ultrasonic testing of spiral-welded pipes with butt seams of rolled or rolled sheets (A., Annex A);
45) any other additional or more stringent requirements.
8 Manufacturing
8.1 Manufacturing process
Pipes supplied under this standard must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements and limitations specified in Tables 2 and 3.
Table 2 — Correspondence of pipe strength classes to pipe types
Pipe Type | Strength class of pipes of UTP1 level |
Strength class of pipes of level УТП2 | |||
MP 175 |
КП 210 | KP 245 | from KP 290 to KP 485 |
from KP 245 to KP 555 | |
BT | X |
X | X | X | X |
VPN | X |
X | X | X | X |
DFFP | X | X | X | X | |
X | X | X | X | |
COSP | X | X | X | X | |
X | X | X | X | |
Two-seated double-sided PCF |
X | X | X | X | |
COSP with two seams | X | X | X | X | |
Table 3 — Production methods acceptable for UTP2 pipes
Pipe Type | Type of workpiece | Preparation method | Heat treatment of pipes | The symbol of thermo- processing |
BT | Continuous, hot-worked or forged | Deformation Normalization | - | H |
Hot Deformation | Normalization or normalization and leave |
H | ||
Tempering with holiday |
T | |||
Hot Deformation and Cold Deformation | Normalization or normalization and leave |
H | ||
Tempering with holiday |
T | |||
VPN | Rolled steel with normalization |
Cold Forming | Normalization of the seam | H |
A roll made by thermomechanical processing |
Heat treatment of the seam | M | ||
Heat treatment of the seam and release of tension (whole pipe) |
M | |||
Hot-rolled or hot rolled- normalized roll stock |
Normalization or normalization and leave (the whole pipe) |
H | ||
Hardening and tempering (whole pipe) |
T | |||
Normalization of the seam |
H | |||
Cold forming and hot reduction at controlled temperature with the result of appropriate normalization |
- | H | ||
Cold Forming and Thermomechanical Treatment |
- | M | ||
DPSP or DSFS | Roll or sheet rolling hot-rolled-normalized, with normalization or with normalization and tempering |
Cold Forming | - | H |
Rolled or sheet metal, manufactured by thermomechanical rolling |
M | |||
Hardened and tempered roll or sheet metal |
T | |||
Rolled or sheet metal with thermomechanical rolling, rolling with normalization, normalization or normalization and tempering |
Hardening and tempering (whole pipe) | T | ||
Rolled or sheet products in the state after rolling, thermomechanical rolling, rolling with normalization, normalization or normalization and tempering |
Forming at the temperature of normalization | - | H |
8.2 Processes requiring specification
The final processing operations used in the manufacture of pipes, which affect compliance with the requirements established by this standard (except for chemical composition and dimensions), require specification.
Updates require the following processes:
a) for seamless pipes: final heating mode, deformation in hot condition, reduction with tension or, in use, final cold treatment;
b) for heat-treated seamless pipes: heat treatment;
c) for electric-welded pipes: the process of resizing and seam welding; when used, heat treatment of the seam;
d) for heat-treated electric-welded pipes: seam welding and heat treatment of the whole body of the pipe.
8.3 Source material
8.3.1 Billets, rolls or sheets, used as a raw material for the production of pipes, shall be made of steel produced by an oxygen-converter process or an electric steelmaking process or an open hearth process with treatment in a ladle furnace type.
8.3.2. For UTP2 level pipes, the steel must be deoxidized and produced using a technology that ensures the production of fine grains.
8.3.3 The roll or sheet rolled pipes of the level of UTP2 used for production should not have repair welds.
8.3.4 The width of rolled or sheet products of spiral-seamed pipes used for production shall not be less than 0.8 and more than 3.0 times the outer diameter of the pipe.
8.3.5 Any lubricants that contaminate the seam area or adjacent areas should be removed prior to longitudinal welds on DTPP or COSP pipes or spiral welds on DPSS or COSS pipes.
8.4 Tack Weld Seams
8.4.1 Tack welds shall be made using the following welding methods:
a) semiautomatic arc welding under the flux;
b) electric arc welding with a metal electrode in a shielding gas environment;
c) electric arc welding with a tubular electrode;
d) electric arc welding with a coated metal electrode with a low hydrogen content.
8.4.2 Tack welds shall be:
a) melted and fused with the final weld;
b) removed by machining;
c) processed in accordance with B.2 (Annex B).
8.5 Welds on CBS pipes
When welding the CBS pipes, the first roller must be continuous and should be made by the method of electric arc welding with a metal electrode in a shielding gas environment, after which the welding is carried out by submerged arc welding, with at least one roller on the inner surface of the pipe and at least one roller on the outer surface of the pipe; the roller made by electric arc welding with a metal electrode in a shielding gas environment is not completely removed during arc welding under a flux.
8.6 Welded seams on DSP pipes
When welding DFD pipes with arc welding under the flux, at least one roller must be made on the inner surface of the pipe and at least one roller on the outer surface of the pipe.
8.7 Welded seams on pipes with two seams
On pipes with two seams, weld seams should be approximately 180 ° apart.
8.8 Heat treatment of welded joints of VPN pipes
8.8.1 Pipes of VPN Level 1
For pipes of strength classes above CP 290, the weld and the heat affected zone should be normalized, except when it is replaced by alternative heat treatment as agreed. In the case of such a replacement, the manufacturer must demonstrate the effectiveness of the chosen method by the agreed confirmation procedure. Such a procedure should include, as a minimum, a determination of hardness, microstructure evaluation or mechanical testing. In the strength classes KP 290 or below, the weld is subjected to a similar heat treatment or such treatment that ensures the absence of unreleased martensite.
8.8.2 Pipes of VPN level
The welded seam and the zone of thermal influence of pipes of all strength classes should be subjected to normalization.
8.9 Cold deformation and cold expansion
8.9.1 The coefficient of deformation for cold-formed pipes shall not exceed 0.015, unless the pipes are subsequently subjected to normalization or quenching and tempering.
8.9.2. As agreed, the strain coefficient for cold-expansive pipes should be not less than 0,003 and not more than 0,015.
8.9.3 Unless otherwise agreed, the strain coefficient should be calculated by the following formula
, (1)
Where — the outer diameter designated by the manufacturer after deformation, mm;
— the external diameter specified by the manufacturer before deformation, mm;
— absolute difference of external diameters, mm.
8.10 Butt Welds of Rolled or Sheet Sheets
8.10.1 On a finished pipe with a longitudinal seam, butt welded seams of roll or sheet products are not allowed.
8.10.2 On ready-made spiral-seam pipes, joint weld joints of rolled or sheet products and spiral welds at a distance of not less than 300 mm from the ends of the pipe are allowed.
8.10.3 Upon agreement, at the ends of spiral-seam pipes, butt welds of rolled or rolled sheets are allowed provided that at least 150 mm of butt welds of rolled or sheet products and a spiral seam are circumferentially divided at the respective ends of the pipes.
8.10.4 Butt welds of rolled or sheet products on finished spiral-seam pipes shall be:
a) are made by arc welding under a flux or a combination of arc welding under a flux and electric arc welding with a metal electrode in a shielding gas environment;
b) are controlled by the same acceptance criteria as are established for spiral welds.
8.11 Composite pipes
Composite pipes are not allowed.
8.12 Heat treatment
Heat treatment is carried out in accordance with the manufacturer’s documented procedures.
8.13 Traceability
The manufacturer shall develop and follow documented procedures to maintain the melting data and the controlled batch of each pipe. Such procedures should provide for ways to trace any individual pipe to the appropriate controlled lot and the results of chemical analysis and mechanical testing.
9 Acceptance Criteria
9.1 General
9.1.1 General technical requirements for delivery must comply with the requirements of GOST 10692.
9.1.2 Pipes of strength class KP 415 and above should be used to replace pipes ordered as pipes of strength class KP 360 or lower, only in agreement with the consumer.
9.2 Chemical composition
9.2.1 Chemical composition of pipes of standard strength classes of UTP1 level with wall thickness 25.0 mm should meet the requirements of Table 4, the chemical composition of intermediate strength classes should be agreed, but it should not contradict the requirements of Table 4.
Table 4 — Chemical composition of UTP1 level pipes with wall thickness 25.0 mm
Pipe strength class | Mass fraction by analysis of melting and products | |||||||
| |||
not less than |
no more | |||||||
Seamless Tubes | ||||||||
MP 175 |
0.21 |
0.60 |
- |
0.030 |
0.030 |
- |
- |
- |
КП 210 |
0.22 |
0.90 |
- |
0.030 |
0.030 |
- |
- |
- |
KP 245 |
0.28 |
1.20 |
- |
0.030 |
0.030 |
4) | ||
KP 290 |
0.28 |
1.30 |
- |
0.030 |
0.030 |
КП 320 |
0.28 |
1.40 |
- |
0.030 |
0.030 |
CP 360 |
0.28 |
1.40 |
- |
0.030 |
0.030 |
KP 390 |
0.28 |
1.40 |
- |
0.030 |
0.030 |
KP 415 |
0.28 |
1.40 |
- |
0.030 |
0.030 |
KP 450 |
0.28 |
1.40 |
- |
0.030 |
0.030 |
MP 485 |
0.28 |
1.40 |
- |
0.030 |
0.030 |
Welded pipes | ||||||||
MP 175 |
0.21 |
0.60 |
- |
0.030 |
0.030 |
- |
- |
- |
КП 210 |
0.22 |
0.90 |
- |
0.030 |
0.030 |
- |
- |
- |
KP 245 |
0.26 |
1.20 |
- |
0.030 |
0.030 |
KP 290 |
0.26 |
1.30 |
- |
0.030 |
0.030 |
КП 320 |
0.26 |
1.40 |
- |
0.030 |
0.030 |
CP 360 |
0.26 |
1.40 |
- |
0.030 |
0.030 |
KP 390 |
0.26 |
1.40 |
- |
0.030 |
0.030 |
KP 415 |
0.26 |
1.40 |
- |
0.030 |
0.030 |
KP 450 |
0.26 |
1.45 |
- |
0.030 |
0.030 |
MP 485 |
0.26 |
1.65 |
- |
0.030 |
0.030 |
9.2.2 Chemical composition of pipes of standard strength classes of UTP2 level with wall thickness 25.0 mm should meet the requirements of Table 5, the chemical composition of the intermediate strength classes should be agreed, but it should not contradict the requirements of Table 5.
Table 5 — Chemical composition of UTP2 level pipes with wall thickness 25.0 mm
Pipe strength class | Mass fraction by analysis of melting and products,%, not more than |
| ||||||||
Other | |||||||||||
Seamless and welded pipes | |||||||||||
KP 245 P |
0.24 |
0.40 |
1.20 |
0.025 |
0,015 |
0.04 |
0.43 |
0.25 | |||
KP 290 P |
0.24 |
0.40 |
1.20 |
0.025 |
0,015 |
0.06 |
0.05 |
0.04 |
0.43 |
0.25 | |
КП 245 Н |
0.24 |
0.40 |
1.20 |
0.025 |
0,015 |
0.04 |
0.43 |
0.25 | |||
KP 290 N |
0.24 |
0.40 |
1.20 |
0.025 |
0,015 |
0.06 |
0.05 |
0.04 |
0.43 |
0.25 | |
КП 320 Н |
0.24 |
0.40 |
1.40 |
0.025 |
0,015 |
0.07 |
0.05 |
0.04 |
0.43 |
0.25 | |
KP 360 N |
0.24 |
0.45 |
1.40 |
0.025 |
0,015 |
0.10 |
0.05 |
0.04 |
0.43 |
0.25 | |
KP 390 N |
0.24 |
0.45 |
1.40 |
0.025 |
0,015 |
0.10 |
0.05 |
0.04 |
0.43 |
0.25 | |
KP415 H |
0.24 |
0.45 |
1.40 |
0.025 |
0,015 |
0.10 |
0.05 |
0.04 |
By agreement | ||
КП 245 Т |
0.22 |
0.45 |
1.40 |
0.025 |
0,015 |
0.05 |
0.05 |
0.04 |
0.43 |
0.25 | |
KP 290 T |
0.22 |
0.45 |
1.40 |
0.025 |
0,015 |
0.05 |
0.05 |
0.04 |
0.43 |
0.25 | |
КП 320 Т |
0.22 |
0.45 |
1.40 |
0.025 |
0,015 |
0.05 |
0.05 |
0.04 |
0.43 |
0.25 | |
KP 360 T |
0.22 |
0.45 |
1.50 |
0.025 |
0,015 |
0.05 |
0.05 |
0.04 |
0.43 |
0.25 | |
KP 390 T |
0.22 |
0.45 |
1.50 |
0.025 |
0,015 |
0.07 |
0.05 |
0.04 |
0.43 |
0.25 | |
КП 415 Т |
0.22 |
0.45 |
1.70 |
0.025 |
0,015 |
0.43 |
0.25 | ||||
KP 450 T |
0.22 |
0.45 |
1.70 |
0.025 |
0,015 |
0.43 |
0.25 | ||||
MP 485 T |
0.22 |
0.45 |
1.80 |
0.025 |
0,015 |
0.43 |
0.25 | ||||
KP 555 T |
0.22 |
0.45 |
1.90 |
0.025 |
0,015 |
By agreement | |||||
Welded pipes | |||||||||||
КП 245 М |
0.23 |
0.45 |
1.20 |
0.025 |
0,015 |
0.05 |
0.05 |
0.04 |
0.43 |
0.25 | |
KP 290 M |
0.23 |
0.45 |
1.30 |
0.025 |
0,015 |
0.05 |
0.05 |
0.04 |
0.43 |
0.25 | |
КП 320 М |
0.23 |
0.45 |
1.30 |
0.025 |
0,015 |
0.05 |
0.05 |
0.04 |
0.43 |
0.25 | |
KP 360 M |
0.22 |
0.45 |
1.40 |
0.025 |
0,015 |
0.43 |
0.25 | ||||
KP 390 M |
0.22 |
0.45 |
1.40 |
0.025 |
0,015 |
0.43 |
0.25 | ||||
KP 415 M |
0.12 |
0.45 |
1.60 |
0.025 |
0,015 |
0.43 |
0.25 | ||||
KP 450 M |
0.12 |
0.45 |
1.60 |
0.025 |
0,015 |
0.43 |
0.25 | ||||
КП 485 М |
0.12 |
0.45 |
1.70 |
0.025 |
0,015 |
0.43 |
0.25 | ||||
KP 555 M |
0.12 |
0.45 |
1.85 |
0.025 |
0,015 |
9) |
0.43 |
0.25 | |||
9.2.3 For wall thickness pipes 25.0 mm chemical composition can be selected according to Tables 4 or 5. Otherwise, the chemical composition must be agreed.
9.2.4 For TSS1 level pipes, the mass share of carbon in which, according to the results of product analysis, is not more than 0.12%, the resistance to cracking resistance should not exceed 0.25%, it is calculated by the following formula
, (2)
where the symbols of chemical elements denote the mass fraction in percent (Table 4).
If the mass fraction of boron is less than 0.0005% by the results of the smelting analysis, the analysis of the product may not include the determination of boron, and for calculation the mass fraction of boron can be considered equal to zero.
9.2.5 For UTP1 level pipes, the carbon mass fraction in which, based on the results of the product analysis, is more than 0.12%, the carbon equivalent should not exceed 0.43%, it is calculated by the following formula
, (3)
where the symbols of the chemical elements indicate the mass fraction in percent (Table 5).